Walkable evropean city

walkable evropean city

Attached: london.webm (460x642, 2.77M)

Terrible sight, but I feel no sympathy for the Anglo.

imagine the smell

what was happening there ?

a celebration, a music festival ?

I know it smell crazy in there

te fuck is that

just an average day for the euro

Tell me it's the UK without telling me it's the UK

do euros really

France and Britain literally fought Hitler for this.

>just noticed 11 years old girl getting gang raped by 15 pakis in the middle of that crowd

Attached: 1610444140782.jpg (192x234, 5.56K)

Looks like hillsborough

this is how i know you are liying

Attached: islamists.webm (568x320, 2.99M)

what is the context of this? where is it from and why are there so many people?

Notting Hill Fest in London
god i miss it so much

It's Notting Hill Carnival, it celebrates Caribbean culture in London


police were saying they might cancel next years because there is always so much violence every year

i can smell this video

imagine tossing balloons filled with water and carolina reaper powder

What's to say that this isn't in Africa?
