Often seen as more liberal and progressive than the USA

>often seen as more liberal and progressive than the USA
>not regarding legalizing weed
what gives?

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I honestly want to kill "people" that smoke weed more than heroin addicts

>We could bring in a extra billion pounds each year just by legalising weed
Why haven't we done this? You can buy this shit on every fucking street anyway we're just giving up free money.

this but unironically

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your map is wrong lol. Its BANNED completely here.

>Hurdurrr My view of everything comes from the internet!!!

what has legalizing drugs done for America?

I find it hilarious how retarded americans want their country to be more like "europe", except when it comes to voter ID laws

>more liberal than america
>more conservative than america
yuhrope just cant stop winning

shut the fuck up pothead
go listen to bob marley

Based. /thread

Drugs aren't legal here. Weed is legal in some states and it hasn't been a problem in my state. The law has very little to do with the choice of whether or not someone does drugs.

>Man my life sucks
>I want to kill myself
>I don't care whether I live or die.
>I don't value life at all
>I would totally do heroin
>BUt I guESS i woNT bEcause IT's IllegaL!!!!

what a shame, tugas

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There is better reggae than bob marley. I wish I could smoke right now, I got too much home work though :(

If all the good parts of Europe were combined into a single country it would be a utopia. The issue is deciding what parts you consider good.

Americans have been REAL quiet on this one.

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>stonerfaggot is a literal teenager
like pottery

Could you imagine being such a seething busy body that you seethe bout other people having a good time and want them to die/go to jail?

wtf @ alaska being the state of coathangers

Go back to ruining public places with your stench and leeching of your parents you fucking parasite.

I'm for abortion but I don't think it should happen after 24 weeks. But also you can't really miss someone if they never existed in the first place.

i've done more drugs than you, just hate insufferable stoner faggots

If I were dictator, I would have a government program that laces weed with copious amounts of fentanyl and puts it back into circulation so all you faggots die

when satan finally comes for c*lifornia, he should take oregon and washington too

>Go back to ruining public places with your stench and leeching of your parents you fucking parasite.
I'm actually an independent person and a very clean one at that. I've seen drunks ruin more public places than stoners by puking everywhere and being belligerent and smashing things. Where's your outcry on that?

>hurrdurr daddy and jeebus sayz itz rong

I've known stoners, they're all unproductive, worthless human cattle. Being ruled by the elites is all they're good for. Hell I've known ordinary, promising people who turned to weed because of depression and turned into the aforementioned.
If I were president of France, I'd uphold the ban because weed is just panem et circenses.

It appears that I've triggered the members of the no fun club. I can feel your seething from here :)

alcohol and cigs are much worse

>We're not in the Europe map
I miss it bros...

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What happened, did you local imam lace your kebab with weed at the last national celebration of the 600 years of Arab occupation of Macedonia?

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They wont see this, because "Muh daddeh sayz.."

Abortion is 100% immoral and the Christians are right about it. As soon as there's a heart beat and neurons firing, no one should harm the fetus unless the life of the mother is in danger.

Abortion should be nearly entirely illegal in the same way that the death penalty should be unacceptable 99% of the time.

Yeah it really never made sense to me because it boils down to when life exists and it’s obvious to me at least that life begins at conception.

>Abortion should be nearly entirely illegal in the same way that the death penalty should be unacceptable 99% of the time.
I agree, the 1% should be reserved for weed junkie redditors like @170299954

the only people i see typing multiple paragraphs of seethe are the stoners
gotta strengthen my body against carcinogens

>Abortion is 100% immoral and the Christians are right about it.
The bible says nothing against abortion. Kudos for at least having some logical consistency about the death penalty though.

>the only people i see typing multiple paragraphs
It's because we have more of an argument than you do. All you have is "uhhh drugs are bad..."

It's not just weed. It's every drug.
You can legally consume crack, coke and heroin here.