So many subtle redpills in this show it's unbelievable. I'm convinced that the jew that created it is one of us

So many subtle redpills in this show it's unbelievable. I'm convinced that the jew that created it is one of us.

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>babbie’s first cinematography class the show

why do right wingers hate transfolk? i really like hunter

theres even a line about how unorganic food doesnt have hormones. sam levingstein is redpilled

Isn't this show about teenagers just being dickheads as usual or something?

on the surface yes. but its more than that if you have an IQ 2 sigmas above the mean

is this the new Any Forums psyop copypasta

Yes but one of thems a troon

please enlighten us, because i sure as shit cant see beyond the facade of it being a grimdark version of 90210 for zoomers.

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the drug usage is an obvious one (rue is fucked up, a literal child drug dealer gets btfo by feds, etc). the onlyfans whore realizes the dead end and stops doing that shit. theres a side character that speaks the mind of Any Forums to cassie. theres more small one liners throughout that im forgetting, but they are all over the place.

see for a specific example

yea, the jew bitch also asks "you believe in god? like u believe theres an old bearded guy in the sky?" and the 2IQ drug dealers says "yea". it points out the absurdity of the liberal brain. (liberals literally believe that people that believe in god think theres a bearded dude in the clouds)

You are reading way too much into it.
Fez isn't saying he literally believes in a bearded guy in the sky. You spergs can't tell that Fez understood that she was exaggerating the description and he answered back in a way that answers the underlying question and not the surface-level exaggeration.
I feel bad for people who are too autistic to understand simple social cues.

It's like a bojack horseman thing where there's a gem in there but it's still covered in shit and you have to dig your hand deep in there to find it. It's definitely there but, y'know, shit hand! hahah

The first season is actually pretty fuckin' beautiful and I was shocked at how much I liked it as a whole.
The 2nd season is almost a parody of itself.

your reading too much into the mind of a drug addicted simpleton

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I see Spick Fuentes is trying desperately trying to excuse his faggotry again.

go back to Any Forums incel

If you are over the age of 19 and you watch this high school drama for girls you are pathetic

This isn't Based or redpilled, moving the celebration to different day isn't stealing. Funny how the Jew makes comments about whites taking something that doesn't belong to them considering the whole Israel Palestine thing.

Neck yourself troon

season 1 kino soundtrack
season 2 recap+ Dominic fike

>lets "show" how being a degenerate is unhealthy, but make it so that easily impressionable teenagers will be influenced by it

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The biggest redpill in this show is that trannies are hot and valid

nah he just knew to answer simply as well. The basic ask of the question is still do you believe in god, of course a non believer might describe it ridiculously

Dude don't say shit like that it's disgusting and I'm eating right now. You should go on one of those nsfw boards if you're posting such repugnant thoughts.