Russian women

Russian women.

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Cute girl.

has all the features of a deranged leftist

Alcoholic hairline

They want to leave Russia.
Will you accept them?

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Crazy eyes
Hates her country
Many such cases

Makes me sad. Russian women don't deserve this

real talk: why do russians have weird ass big forehead?

Ukrainians are welcome here but not Mongol Rusians

Russian genes. Not even once.

how do you know she hates her country?

you can see it on her face.

Not her. Your teeth gotta be better if you wanna be an American

Imagine if finland was slav'd, we'd have to be nuked to the orbit.
Ukrainians should be kept out too.

Please be nice to Russian snow princesses...

5/10 in Russia but 10/10 in western europe

Those are at least 7/10 in Russia.

>Those are at least 7/10 in Russia.
Too old

I won't (my penis will)

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>tfw no busty ruski mommy gf to give me nursing handjobs while hammered on vodka

Attached: Водохреща в затоці Оболонь (Київський водний стадіон, 2014).webm (640x360, 2.94M)