Would you take a terraforming job sitting on some rock while an atmosphere is created...

Would you take a terraforming job sitting on some rock while an atmosphere is created? It takes decades so you might be there for the rest of your life.

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First I need to know the bonus situation

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The idea of dying in space for any reason scares the shit out of me, so no thanks

A colony isn't space.

Give me food and a bed and ill fucking go anywhere with something daily to do.

We are in space right now

give me one cunny to grow old with and Im sold

depends on the amenities

Hard to say. At least with original settles, there were animals to hunt, places to roam, all sorts of things to keep daily life interesting. And there were eventually other settlers coming out and seeking their place. If it were just a lifeless rock for 30 years and only 200 other people? Probably not. Unless they made marrying multiple women at a time a thing and made sure to bring mostly 10/10s.

im just going to be turned into breeding fodder for xenos. i guess it's either that or die on a shitty, half-destroyed Earth

You're still going to die even if you stay here on Earth, user. And it'll probably be a boring, shitty death that nobody will care about.

Why not go to space? You might be the first person to ever die on the planet where you're killed. And you might be killed in a way that nobody has ever died before. It would be so exciting!

WeYu had been making successful colonies for a really long time at that point. They weren't evil in Aliens. The executives didn't believe or care about ripley's story about xenos. It was literally just Burke who pushed for it, sent a communication to the colony to get them to go out tonthe derelict, then push for a rescue mission and had his own plans to sneak and alien back in to sell

we know this changed significantly in later movies and in the comics


Shitty jobs in remote shitty environments pay well and frequently have very generous tax benefits.

that's incorrect, as they sent the spaceship there in the first place, and also, they opted to terraform it


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If I can get paid to be a NEET and shitpost on the futuristic space internet all day, sure why not?
Surely there can't be much work day to day, but it's still meaningful work since the planet became inhabitable thanks to you.

>I ain't do a g'damn thing until we talk about this bonus situation.

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A few people 70 years ago detected the signal and said it is important so the nostromo should be sent and priority given to bring back whatever they find. That doesnt mean the whole company is evil or that it needs to be evil forever after. Besides, it's been so long that most of them died or retired. Aliens understood that, they're just a company. They did not even know about the derelict until Ripley came back and all the suits in the room didn't believe her. It was literally burke, ripley gets mad at him and he admits what he did. Movies were way better back when whole organizations didn't have to be evil boogeymen forever.

I would if it pays a small fortune, and if fully immersive VR exists by then for my downtime.

>all the moneyfags ITT
money is good because you can buy things on Earth. Would you live on a submarine without the option of ever touching land again for $2million a year? Ask me how I know you're all sperg programmers with otherwise shit lives

Why are the aliens in Aliens such pussies getting killed left and right and even out wrestled by a woman lol the Alien was much more badass

Maybe it's reading the screenplay for the original 3 that lead me to misremember

If you've got kids then . You can probably also barter for shit like first claim on developed real estate on whatever planet or moon you're on. You may not live to see it, but your kids and grandkids will have massive swaths of freshly terraformed land they can develop or sell off for even more cash if they so please.