Unexplained things in film

Unexplained things in film.

Attached: Leia.jpg (1024x615, 110.81K)

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Explain these

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Abhorrent post, witness these.

I guess Alderaan was really a snow planet

coke nail

It's for cocaine. Anyone who has one long fingernail uses it as a drug scoop and shovels it up their nose.

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its been debunked. check wookiepedia

>Doesn't know what coke nail is

is everyone itt fucking retarded?

Yes, very nice. Now check THESE

Can already picture extended universe nerds seeing pic related and make 2 books explaining the backstory of Leia's fingernail.

It's a fingernail, dumbass. They are canon

that's the joke, zoomies

Spice fiend in-universe.

Is the pinky, retard.

She probably broke the nail on her middle finger. Her other fingers have nails of different lengths. And, Carrie herself said coke wasn't a thing for her until Empire.


How does it feel that I got dubs effortlessly and you’re all not having dubs

Carrie Fisher said it wasn't a coke nail

Admire these repeating digits at the end of my post number


>unexplained things in film
>"it's a cokenail"

So you're saying she has long nails on both index and middle finger, the other two just had shorter nails because she's wacky like that?

That picture is from Return of the Jedi you stupid fucking midwit.

I don't believe you, link me the Wookieepedia article.

>Is the pinky
not necessarily, faggot zoomer


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I really don't know why she insisted on this multiple times even though it's obviously a coke nail and she already has been open about her drug use

The name's Getem, Dubs Getem.

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Saving you. I'm the fucking President!

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Then what was it lol

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based. cocaine is a top tier drug

imagine if all women had to look like this or be euthanized