Which movie do you actually know Brie Larson from?

Which movie do you actually know Brie Larson from?

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Oh, FAWK!!!!

Scott Pilgrim vs The World

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whatever this movie is

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Never seen a movie with her in it.

Probably Kong Skull Island, and she's an insufferable cunt in that too. Also, without makeup, she looks like Skeletor from the live-action Masters of the Universe movie.


the only good songs in the entire soundtrack were the beck ones

21 jump street


She's so proud of her fake tits, good for her.

I read this and had to stop and pause to think who she was in it before remembering she was the main girl.

I know her from the hilarious failure of her music career

He Larson

Her feet are fucking disgusting.


Never knew it was her. I also completely forgot she was in a later season of Community. She’s so generic.

no one has seen a movie with her because she can't act for shit

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Brapp Larson

scott pilgrim

Short Term 12. It was good.