Is it kino?

Should I watch it

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Also I've seen heat, manhunter, and miami vice. If that matters btw

It's Michael Mann so yes

why havent you seen Thief?

>Posting Beach Theme instead of Confrontation


it's an obvious kino, but if you don't see it even in this shoot you posted then maybe you shouldn't.

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because its a comfortably numb ripoff and tangerine dream deserves the credit.

It sucks. Jaime Fox is just terrible. Brings the whole movie way down. And Cruise really shouldn't play "supercool badass" full of themselves criminal characters. He just doesn't come off as believable in that kind of role

All that said, watch it anyway and form your own opinion you fucking faggot

Michael Mann accidentally make a couple kinos, don't act like his name means it'll be great.



Wrong on all accounts. Tom Cruise is actually a super cool badass irl. Jamie Foxx is a nigger, so that is what it is, but Cruise gives a great monologue about unrealized dreams that is kino.

>don't act like his name means it'll be great.
his record is literally 90% masterpieces, come on

yes, it's one of my favourite movies

some people will get filtered by the ending but it makes sense

>Tom Cruise

Attached: tom.jpg (400x601, 95.65K)

It's more like 50%, and I think I'm being pretty generous. Though I haven't seen all of this movies yet, that's his track record so far.
>Public Enemies
>The Last of the Mohicans
These are not kino.

>last of the mohicans and Manhunter
>not kino
motherfucker. I get Public Enemies, but goddamn you're a literal pleb

>last of the mohicans is not kino

you motherfucker bitch i'll scalp your mom pussy

fuck yes

Manhunter's ending shits the bed and ruins an otherwise respectable film. The Dolarhyde finale was edited by drunk retards. The Last of the Mohicans has maybe 3 good scenes in it, otherwise it's a great movie to fall asleep to. Yes, the soundtrack is great, but that doesn't save the snoozefest picture.

This post was made by a non-white.

No, I'm just not braindead, rare 'round these parts.

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