How do I get a Russian gf in the current crisis?

How do I get a Russian gf in the current crisis?

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same as usual: money and green card/eu passport

Bride visa

Wait until Russia goes 1917 again then buy her on instagram.

Just don't fucking mix

Be rich. Russian women are like barnacles on a dollar bill.

But I want her to love me for me

russians don't know how to love

Then just be a gigachad.

we would both be indo-europeans. You could barely call it racemixing

Have a BBC

You'd have an easier time buying a pet monitor lizard and teaching it how to love you.

Shut up. Russian women are smart and kind

Attached: 1608711704328.jpg (750x735, 64.04K)

Russian women love only money.

this is every thirdie women
they want something they dont have

A Black cock inside

to love me ;)?

You're the one in crisis currently
take a look at a gas station

Yeah? I want a million dollars and my own private island.

Yeah it's not the greatest but my parents are rich so if I actually can't pay my bills anymore I'll just go begging to them