Are you banned from entering Russia in your country?

Are you banned from entering Russia in your country?

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Why doesn't he just reset his router?

>British humour

God I wish

And i wish i would never return back

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Have some national pride, sperg.
You're behaving like a kraut

eh i feel the same way about my country you wanna find a island and build a colony on it
why would i have a national pride let alone this ruskie

Some of my family are banned from going to countries like Russia and China but that's because they are spies

No I've been there a couple of times and plan to go again. Some in my family visit several times a year
t. have karelian roots

>literally is a russo\slavica\sovietaboo
>helps local hobos and babyshkas\drinks vodka with them
>constantly shows Russia in a good light
>showed some rusty military garbage aircraft graveyard literally no one ever gave a fuck about
>gets banned
Why the fuck are we like this?

Goddamn i hate my country so fucking much

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kek it actually makes no sense
he's given Russia more succesful propaganda than any paid troll

good light?
i mean maybe he helped clear some confusion and stereotypes but i can't help to think to myself "what a shithole" in each one of his videos

He shows the Russian people as a normal, friendly bunch
And some of the places he's visited were beautiful.

He goes to very remote and rural places, of course they're not going to look like St Petersburg

Baldwin is extraordinarily based and anyone saying otherwise is a soy faced weakminded redditor

Total sex pest death

Based Russia

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what's so hard about just getting a wig and getting a fake ID?

you have no idea how borders work do you? 25 years of schengen area have rotten your zoomie brains

if he were as knowledgeable on Russia as he claims he would have known that there's nothing a generous bribe cannot fix in Russia

how did kgb spies enter america?

He makes public youtube videos you brain dead Polish retard

no I've been there up until this week, it was good

he can just enter incognito, record, and upload them when he comes back lol. it's a nobrainer

Ex spies can go China but Russia is impossible

Poles are so fucking stupid it's actually unreal

t. pussy

russian border guards is god tier