/med/ + friends

Cat grill friend edition

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Good morning

Good morning Sirs

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Awake, but at what cost.

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Hello frens, day off today.

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>another restless night full of broken sleep
>have to face jobcentre wagies again today
I'm telling you, there's some kind of time warp effect that makes these two weeks come around quicker than normal.

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Maybe the night was bad because of that meeting
You can tell them you applied to Lidl

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>another restless night full of broken sleep
Me every night.

Me too friend, I'm taking the day off because I did extra hours last week.
I get 1.75 free hours for each worked hour, not much but it's something.
I'll use this free day to go play the prerelease of MTG's new set.

going to the dentist right now.
doctor is hot and she is nice to me, therefore i don't want to go.

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Let us pray that this offering pleases them. They're making me attend an interview on the 7th for a hotel receptionist role too. Need to buy a cheap suit from somewhere.
You understand my struggles more than anyone else in /med/.
You don't suffer in Portugal where even the dentists are young attractive Portuguese women.

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Am in a Skype meeting in boxer and slippers

just make sure you avoid the bullshit jobs giving people fuck you money. clearest way to tell if its fuck you money is if they hire a lot of thirdies.

My restless sleep turns my bed into a warzone and it is probably the reason why I wake up because I end up with at least half of my body laying directly on my mattress and it's rough and uncomfortable. Then of course I happen to have my bladder packed, so I have to go downstairs to piss and back up and try to fix the bed a bit before laying down. Sometimes I do not manage to go back to sleep.

Are there any cute girls in the meeting?
>fuck you money
This means a stupendously large amount of money. I would like to have a job that pays fuck you money.

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Okay how about you got beautyful people but they´re not gonna talk to you, ever. They´re also gonna get the kind of jobs where you can delusionally think you are better than other people, then never get off that high horse. You´ll probably find some 4/10 fat chick if you try hard.

She´s not attractive for you. Do you suffer yet?

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Nigga do you live in a harem anime?

Don't think, there is a girl I don't know but idk what she looks like

no fuck you money means heres your pay check, but fuck you. meaning they dont like you.
Those jobs would be like flipping burgers at mcdonalds or working as call center slave. What, did you think that you´re the one saying it? No, you´re at receiving end. :^) Dont forget to thank them for hating.

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Buy the suit second-hand, you can always find good stuff

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>My restless sleep turns my bed into a warzone and it is probably the reason why I wake up because I end up with at least half of my body laying directly on my mattress and it's rough and uncomfortable. Then of course I happen to have my bladder packed, so I have to go downstairs to piss and back up and try to fix the bed a bit before laying down. Sometimes I do not manage to go back to sleep.
A relatable story. Makes me feel like an old man having to get up every night to piss.

It's not so bad for me in the winter though and I manage to sleep a lot better in the cold. As soon as it drops down to the single digits at night, the likelihood of me managing to sleep through the entire night goes up.
>Okay how about you got beautyful people but they´re not gonna talk to you, ever.
That's fine with me, I don't want to talk to beautiful people because they frighten and intimidate me. Attractive women focusing their Eye of Sauron on me turns my blood to ice. I am suffering.
Does she sound cute?

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Good morning /med/

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Yeah, I think the more layers I have on me the less likely I get up as well, unless I make a mess of the bed.

Also, good luck with the meeting.

>no fuck you money means heres your pay check, but fuck you. meaning they dont like you.
I feel like this expression has a different meaning in Greek than in English. Either way, I am sure I will fail the interview as I've done with every other interview in my life and I can get back to the way things should be.
That goes without saying, I can't afford a new suit anyway. I'll look in a charity shop for one.

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Nice. Good morning.

Hardly a single word uttered
But I doubt it
If I want to hear cuteness I listen to the office cutie (that is not in this meeting)

I do the same, I move so much throught the night that I always have to make the bed again at 3-4am because the bed sheets are all over the place, today I had to make the bed twice

Not waging means I can not phonepost and I can see my flag. :)
Nice enjoy it fren, never played MTG or any card game but it looks fun. I used to collect yugioh and duelmasters cards as a kid but just for collections sake and for the nice art kek.
yep feels good but I'm gonna miss the korean restaurant my coworkers were gonna go to. Oh well. Dunno what to do today, any plans on your end Maltabro?

you´re gonna fail an interview? good. now you know, there´s always 80 000 companies after that company is on the black list.
Note, companies are replaceable, you are not. I always have opportunities to grow and employ myself.

I´m reading on bodybuilding and art today and just sending my CV to claim the job I want, which should take 5 minutes. Pretty hard work, so have to relax at beach and play some Multiversus as reward later on today. :^)

NEVER FORGET! You deserve better, and if they can´t provide, they are always one e-mail away from being replaced. Fuck loyalty, embrace hardcore capitalism. I´d fuck capitalism in the pussy multiple times it was possible.

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>Also, good luck with the meeting.
If I don't come back, tell them my story. Don't let them forget.

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You don't know with whom you're talking with, evidently, Catnigga's a hardcore NEET