Batman Bale - Nolan

Batman Bale - Nolan

Looks like Kino is back on the menu

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>more comic roles
what happened bale bros. did he buy a pyramid or something

It's sad that Bale did a Marvel movie. I'm not sure if he has kids but if he did then it would make sense that he joined the MCU just so his kids could watch some garbage with him in it. I just checked and he has two kids so that's probably the reason.

Could Bale save DECU?

Nobody cared for his body transformations so now he's saying fuck it.

damn it was impressive how he looked in the machinist

He already has a crazy body of work and now wants to cash in


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he wants to do a no way home like movie with batman and nolan

BaTMAN meets Chris Farley WHEN

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Am I the only one who thinks Bale's batsuit was the best one of them all?

There’s nowhere to go with his Batman. They already did the "worn out Batman comes out of semi retirement" arc in TDKR


Batman and Joker having a battle in a retirement home


So what scene will the chase scene be about? Barbara Gordon being commissioner now and being anti vigilante and sending the cops after Batman? Also isnt JCL Batman in that Universe now?


I think that Bale would have been a cool Joker.

Brings Earth 3 Crime Syndicate to the next Dcapeshit film withBale as Owlman and Brandon Rough as Ultraman

Egghead and nine hundred separate armor plates.
Not very good at all. Nipple suit is better.

Nolan's at odds with Warner Bros

pic related, it's time nolan. scrap the joker/harvey plots and interpolate heart of ice as the villain arc.

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People would seethe at commie GA , women with swastica in her nipples and fascist superman


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He’d be in his 50s if they made a new Batman movie with him and Nolan.
Make it Batman beyond and I Might get hyped