After watching stranger things...

After watching stranger things, will loads of normies start playing DND only to realise it’s another fan base they can fuck up?

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It's already happened according to /tg/
Doesn't affect me though, I have no friends

Doubtful, it has too much of an entry barrier for normies to try that hard.

D&D has been full of normies since Critical Role got popular in the 2016-2017 podcast boom.

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Zooms don’t have the attention span, user. It’s probably the one thing they don’t have the capacity to ruin.

critical role destroyed pen and paper RPGs a long time ago already

i have some bad news user...
dnd has been dead for 15 years at least.

I find DnD boring.

Well the show started over 5 years ago so if it hasn't happened by now it never will.

My dad stopped watching this shit when they started playing DND, people didn't have multi-racial groups of friends and play this stuff. You were considered a complete freak if you were into this stuff.

Anyone else really like the new season of stranger things? I think it's the best season so far.

At least it’s one of those things that true normies will tire of quickly and move on to the next Thing That Makes Them Special and Cool. When you find people you enjoy playing with for the right reasons it’s a good way to bond/ kill an unreasonable amount of time.

I mean, they are considered complete freaks in-universe for playing D&D. That's literally the main premise of season 4. Do you even watch the show?

bruh this happened like 5 years ago because of matt mercer

The only reason dnd is represented in a normie show as a legitimate hobby children used to have in the 80's, is that it has already been overrun by normies long before stranger things

D&D has been normieized since 2015 when they released their shitty 5th edition and Critical Role became popular. Most people who play tabletop hate D&D because it's such a shit setting and system but we're cursed to play it if we ever want to bring new people into the hobby because they don't want to play better systems in better settings. I first got into TTRPGs through 3.5e D&D and once we got used to the system we moved on to better shit and only switch back when a normie wants to try it out but only knows what D&D is.

I think it’s good except for the Russia plot which fucks with the pacing and halts the plot

Nerd culture has been dominant for like 10+ yeas now, they fucked it up a long time ago breh, nothing is safe.

the stuff happening in Hawkins is pretty good. The other side stories feel like completely pointless filler. Especially Hopper in Russia and the irrelevant/sidelined characters on their road trip to visit Dustin's girlfriend.

the eddie character is so cringe

D&D is boring as shit and the people who play it need to re-evaluate their lives.

Holy newfag. All of fantasy rpgs have been destroyed since the LOTR movies came out, retard.
Don't post if you don't know.

>After watching stranger things, will loads of normies start playing DND only to realise it’s another fan base they can fuck up?
Already happened long ago. They heard about some shit nerds played down in the basement to get away from the normies. So they just had to get in and ruin it. Started playing Idle Champions for some D&D action on the go. They occasionally have streams of ongoing normies playing games and want you to watch them while you're idling with free shit for tuning in. Every fucking stream is full fags with their "pronouns" slapped next to their name.

They're always looking for the sit they're not involved with to ruin.

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never played D&D myself, but it seems to be a game that is as boring or interesting as the people who play it make it. You sound incredibly insecure though.

>tfw normalfags swarmed your hobby and turned it into STONKS INVESTMENT LINE GO UP MUH PORTFOLIO

being a boomer I had to look that up
>critical role
>is like every other friends simulator on youtube
I don't think people play games themselves
just like the other make belief friendship youtube content the audience is the people who don't engage in that activity because they lack a social circle
I'd say at best 5% of their viewerbase has a game night group going

bro ST is responsible for like all new players now since it came out in 2016. Look up any DnD explained video on youtube and they bring up the show first and foremost.

Yeah I guess it’s better if you have an attention span not warped by tiktok