Poland unveils €3.4tn claim against Germany for wartime reparations

>Poland unveils €3.4tn claim against Germany for wartime reparations
It's time for Germans to make things right.

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>wow, just 20th thread about it on Any Forums

thats just the starting point of negotiations. the process now is for germans to come to negotiating table and lower the price. if i had to guess i would say they settle for about ~1.2-1.5 trillion when all is said and done.

>don't expose me!!!!

Well I only just heard about it.

The government already told them "fuck off, you get nothing"
Brilliant move by Polish politicians to give Germany a free reason to deal some actual damage to Poland when it's convenient

germany should be split into two eastern germany should be annexed by poland western germany should be annexed by france

>yeah we asked for a lot of money after milking germany for like 3 decades SO WHAT

poland will gather a coalition of allies and receive its payment that its owed

Why is every pleb country asking for delicious Germany handouts?

Get your own shit going on you fucking leechers.

keep dreaming lol

wtf this is 4d chess by merkel! gross germanium will rule again….

Subhumans gather around Deutschland like flies.

maybe the bongs should do that as well

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is poland itself even worth $1bn

>Subhumans gather around Deutschland like flies.

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I love Poland.

For this? Deal!

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If you remove the people it would be. The rightful German lands are worth 100 trillion. Together with the people it's a negative number though.

>The rightful German lands are worth 100 trillion. Together with the people it's a negative number though.

Yes, that's very true about the Ossiland between the Elbe and the Oder

Poland should pay reparations to germany for stealing their land and forcing millions of germans to move from their ancestral lands

>stealing their land

we didn't touch the land west of the Elbe

>forcing millions of germans to move from their ancestral lands

we didn't force them to come here

Shouldn't have been nazis then

You can get the west part turkbros

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