You wake up in Spain

You wake up in Spain.

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she probably didn't repent of her sins

thats sad

How can you say there's a god when shit like this happens

>spanish toddlers
I thought Spanish women hated having children

Uno menos

god's reroll

Wonder if I could fit this up my ass

She was going to become next hitler

That makes it even sadder

And promptly go back to sleep.

my man got final destinationed

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russia might be behind this

Who else?

the vax strikes again

easily? there is a god. your argument is something like trying to explain a natural phenomenon with a pop-culture reference.

The Aztec curse finally starts to take effect

It makes no difference, if there is a God or not, so thinking about that question too much leads nowhere.
One can easily argue both ways, but there is no proof either way.

>The Bible says god is love
>Lets innocent child be killed by hail
>Sentences all those who don't believe in him to eternal torment

the rain in spain falls mainly on the brain

Who could be behind such thing?

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They can grow that size!?

>this proves god doesn't exist
the state of amerilard education
god never existed and if it did exist it probably gets off of this shit because the only reason anyone would create a world like this, is to have fun watching humans being cunts to one another while eating some popcorn

They can get even bigger than that. There’s been hailstorms in Texas and across the Great Plains that have caused billions of dollars in damage from massive hailstones destroying everything.

>Sentences all those who don't believe in him to eternal torment
Only Catholics believe that tbphwy.
That said, the Christian "God" is a contradiction in its own.

There are probably fixed rules that govern the evolution of this world over time.
Those could be considered the "God" of our world.

Shut the fuck up, nobody cares what you think
Go eat pasta and be in the mafia