Always knew this guy was a hack

Always knew this guy was a hack

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I walked out of Maximum Overdrive even though I was watching it at home.

>movie adaptation of the shining is better than his book
>movie adaptation of the running man is better than his book
What else? Seems like his books are meh and only become kino when put on film by someone who completely ignores what he wrote

what the fuck he did watch it for in the first place?
its not like he was a child in the 80s and played with the toys
what motivated him to buy a ticket?

He's such a bad writer.
I'll never understand how he vaulted to the top, but I suspect it has to do with the inclusion of needless smut in his books which were popular with teens before the internet.

Only movie I walked out of was because I had a panic attack from smoking weed and I was the only one in the theatre so it literally felt like I was going to die and no one would even know lmao, which the panic attack x100

that means you have smoking some good shit ;^)

I've walked out of several Stephen King novels due to terrible writing.

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Smoked weed plenty of times and have never gotten a panic attack.

The Last Jedi

i've never bought tickets for a film that i didn't atleast somewhat like.

>A spider only, it’s a big one.
Heh guess you ain’t never gotten any of the good shit then.

What the hell, where'd you go?

Outside retard

What movie

I didn't like Transformers 2007. fuck you

lol the transformers isnt even that bad. like proto marvel but somewhat better because bay at least sort of knows what he's doing

He probably hated the parotic pro-military vibe

The Batman.

Why didn't you like it?

Transmorphers did it better

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Got invited to the theater and my best friend's wife wanted to watch some celebrity zombie movie in 2019. Incredibly boring that I fell asleep then moved over to John Wick 3 then took a shit. Later on stole the black panther poster informing him that that the kino will be made a national holiday. Perhaps I'll get up and screen cap the ripped poster later but I think I'll reframe for this threads civility.

I think Ronald Reagan walked out of Dunston Checks In, reporters heard him muttering "well I don't know about that Dunston there but I did a better picture with a Chimp called Bonzo and well that was a good picture"

I suspect he's in the Epstein business. He knows all the right (wrong) people


54 year old here, and I've never read a Stephen King novel. I did see the first Transformers movie (via NetFlix DVD) and thought it was shit.

He never was seen again. They say he’s still out there to this day, just walking further away.


To get hit by a truck. Would have known how to avoided it if he sat through the whole movie.

First transformers is worth it alone just to take in all of the wacky product placement.

I turnt Blade Runner off because it was shit.

Mastered the art of generic adult fiction. Half his books were written in coke induced euphoria.

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>his books are meh and only become kino when put on film by someone who completely ignores what he wrote
This is exactly write. King comes up with good concepts, but he's a total hack and can't flesh them out into anything worth a damn.

So he walked out of a shitty movie. Seems like a good move to me.

he is just pissy because he got run over by ironhide