How is SK so far ahead of every other nation except the US?

Is not even close at this point anymore

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i wish my country had flying tampons

Wer verkäuft mir das? Und warum werde ich es nicht besitzen?
Das kannst du einfach nicht

Ahead at making CGI?

South Korea is made in our image. It is the only one of our allies that we have this special relationship with.

They are oversized yellow israel. Pretty impressive actually.

I am shamed when someone mentions something good about Korea

it does, m8

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U.S colony
squid game


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South Korea has about 30 years of prominence until their below half replacement fertility will manifest and economically ruin them with more people being of retirement age than working age. They have a fucked work culture with massive tensions between women and non-chad men and no man wants to work for no chance at pussy, they are a ticking time bomb far worse off than any other east Asian country

Which anime is this?

they will just import africans like your country did

no they will import seas.

that is not very inclusive of you, they need a good dose of muslims a niggers just like everyone else

East asians would rather extinguish their bloodline through sexual inaction than import Africans, it's more likely that
Happens and they eventually turn into a country like that south park episode with immigrants from the future

They didn't kill 6 million Jews so they don't need to do that. Instead they'll import SEAsians


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Koreans are the master race I hope they will look kindly on us when they rule the world.

Robots are only an indication of non-extractive industries and uncoupled from employment statistics. The majority of jobs that maintain society still require human input, south Korea will eventually have to accept a SEA level quality of society (85 IQ Filipinos can't work like 110 IQ Koreans) or have a nasty population and economic collapse like no other

SoKO guys make good artillery and armour. The rest is mediocre to be honest.

Samsung phones are unironically superior to Apple phones, Apple just has a bunch of brainwashed roasties maintaining their brand appeal.