Characters that are honestly literally you

Characters that are honestly literally you

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>honestly literally

You write like a fuckin retard.

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except I was significantly less cool/successful than "prime" Thor

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>"WHEEERE'S user??"

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Whatever about 'honestly literally', this used to be me. Thieving bastard, but nice in general.

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Well you are fucking rude aren't you

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It was a strange way of phrasing

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For me it's Pete from Mad Men
I feel like there's a common thread to most of the posts ITT

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Honestly Arnie from Christine is literally me back in highschool. I was that weird combination of complete dork but also complete cunt, and I used to look exactly like him. Even the way he dressed and especially how he did his hair, even his face looks like how I looked back then. Hell yeah I was a creepy school shooter sperg.

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