How come there are no funny conservative comedians?

How come there are no funny conservative comedians?

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Chuds have no talent

Greg Gutfield is the most watched late night comedian.

How come there are no funny leftist comedians?

At this point Dave Chapelle probably counts and he’s funny sometimes

Any Forumschuds still haven't refuted this

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entertainment requires subversion

Because conservatives are 60 year old men. If you mean why aren't there funny right wing comedians it's because you're not allowed to be one

because conservatism is an ideology for literal retards. World is a complex place and their smol brains can't handle that on an intellectual way, so they are simplifying everything. War in ukraine? globohomo jooos. Black people in the movie? globohomo jooos. Women don't want to fuck me? jooos etc

Norm is literally in the top 10 funniest men to ever live, and yes he was clearly conservative

Because leftists are so funny that chudpitalists are too afraid to go on stage to embarrass themselves.

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Not a single joke is told in this entire tranny rant. Why are leftist "comedians" like this?

>World is a complex place and their smol brains can't handle that on an intellectual way

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Dave Chappelle is in modern day terms a nazi extremist and he’s the literal only funny comedian

Because nothing is enjoyable when you view the world through the binary lens of modern politics. There are a lot of funny comedians, and a fuck tonne of humour writers, with conservative views. But if their act is them being conservative and reeeing about participation medals, or alternatively is them braying about how congress shouldnt be allowed to regulate their period, its not unique, or insightful.
Norm was a conservative. So was John Scwartzelder.

Rob Schneider
Tim Allen
Sam Hyde
Owen Benjamin
Dave Smith
Greg Gutfeld
Gavin McInnes
Geoff Norcott
Dennis Miller

>non-leftoid / secretly right-wing
Rowan Atkinson
Adam Sandler
Count Dankula
Joe Rogan
Sam Tripoli
Eddie Bravo
Dick Masterson

>inb4 oy very not funny enough!

where are the bloody jokes?

you need to hear how sarcastic the voice is, hilarious!

Funny in these times means sticking to an agenda which means conservative comedians get cancelled

Shane Gillis is relatively Conservative and is one of the funniest working comics.

I think the existence of Jews significantly helps my odds of getting laid really


almost by definition, you are not allowed to even make fun of the current cultural establishment, while you are allowed to make fun of what was before that
the left is ""fun"" by beating on dead horses, and as they are ill bred cowards they'll never touch the current holy cows for the same cheap shock effect they base their typical shtick on

define conservative

There are, but conservatives insist on calling them politicians

There are no funny comedians period. Stand up blows.

>Rob Schneider
>Tim Allen

>rant rant rant rant rant rant
Carlin raped comedy

I dunno me and the boys are pretty funny. The "dude's wearing a dress!" is always a kneeslapper.

Why are liberals so preachy

World is a complicated place
the science has changed. putting on a skirt makes you a woman now

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Home improvement was kino shut your mouth pleb. You could never see who his neighbor was because of the fence.

George Carlin and his rants have been a disaster for the comedic profession