Gib reparashuns n shieeeet

>gib reparashuns n shieeeet

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>demands reparations
>posts constant racebait
>throws toxic waste into water environments then shouts 'DINDU NUFFIN'
Poles are truly the n-words of Europe


Truly the white niggers of Europe

I'm sure all of that many will go towards all those polish jews who've had their houses stolen by polish people after the war

What the fuck is their problem

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So Germany, Serbia, Belarus, Russia and China is the Axis this time around?

How many times are these niggas gonna ask for reparations

Until they get their reparashuns, that is never, which means they'll never stop throwing a tantrum.

they know no shame

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based NEET, dabbing on wagie

>they know no shame
Getting money is preferable, tho.

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I’m convinced that whenever Poland needs money to finance a project or for some politician to buy a new mansion they just use the muh ww2 card to get free gibs from Germany

they should double the number imo

Seriously, where the fuck Germans get all that fucking money?

no :^)

>no :^)
Ok, see you next year.

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Oh autos and chemicals, nvm. I forgot that they are "good" at that shit.

They're getting money from the EU (so indirectly from Germany), but that's not any different from other underdeveloped countries.
Their screeching does fuck all except for feeding their own victim complex and alienating Germany (or, really, any country that fucked over another country in its history).

So that is why the UK jumped out of it? They felt like they would be fucked if they had to give reparations?

Nazi gold

>in the year 2522, the yearly tradition of the kurwa governments to the islamic state of alemancia of demanding reparations keeps going on, nobody knews why this is still keeping on. this is a now over 500 years old tradition and result is the same.

Would make sense if the nazi government still existed.

blood diamonds


Why didnt germany pay reparations to poland after ww2?
They paid.france after ww1

they aren't getting any and they know it. This is just for their right wing voter base which is extremely germanophobic

They did pay, but the Soviets were a middleman. So yeah, most of it ended in Moscow.

>This is just for their right wing voter base
user gets it. It's a 1st September tradition.

I guess most of the positive reactions about the demands here are simply people memeing on Germany. But in all seriousness, every country with a colonial (or slave trading) history would be in deep shit if this were to set a precedent.

But it won't, because they're not getting anything, ever: