Young rich Ukrainians are refusing to go to war

While the middle class and the lower class are sent to the frontline. Ukraine is so corrupt that it’s getting hard to sympathize with them.

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>getting hard
if you ever sympathized with those nazis theres something wrong with you

actual combat is for the losers of the country fighting

go find a usa base and it will be filled with rednecks and ghetto criminals

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so like any war ever in history

good, if you are a soldier you are no longer human no matter what your side is

OP is a Russian sailor illegally living in Japan.

>richfags don't fight the useles war they provoked
more news on cnn

not really. dumb fucks are a liability and would never be used for anything meaningful. war is complicated and tricky.

>noooo you must die for your shithole
I wouldn't lift a finger for this nation, can't imagine being a Ukrainian willing to defend theirs unless forced to

I wouldn't mind a bit of fighting. For some sweet war money, ofc.

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>war is complicated and tricky.
for the generals and the elites maybe
regular soldiers are literal npcs that have been trailer to not think and follow the orders

I hate war

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I doubt actual soldiers would be filming tiktoks

>I wouldn't lift a finger for this nation

For poland? Yeah I agree, I wouldn't as well. It's a shithole and the only thing keeping it together are EU funds which will end sooner or later unlike in the actually civilized countries of Western Europe

Thank you, I am completely demoralized

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The only thing keeping Switzerland afloat is tax money from its civilised neighbours

lmao how have you never listened to the lyrics of this song, pvt. Ramirez?

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I sympathize with actual Nazis but not Ukrainians since they're literal Russians and I hate Russians :)

Honestly it's not a bad thing.
Sending an engineer to die with a rifle in his hand is a waste for the country.
Send the replaceble wagies, then if there's a country to rebuild it will have better foundation if the educated people survive.

what is wrong with these people? my country is currently in a ukrainian craze that cost us 7 billion euro so far in addition to ukraine being the most anti-polish spawn in history

the west is committing suicide

>Sending an engineer to die with a rifle in his hand is a waste for the country.
>he thinks engineers are rich

the enemy of my enemy is my friemd and shieeet

Even better: send Eastern Euros that were conditioned to fight Russia for the last 20 years. Plus motivate them with sweet war money, that are pennies to Westies.

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Yeah. What use could a modern military have for an engineer?!

you get what I mean.
Educated people are wasted in the front lines.

Here when we had conscription you could avoid it by going to university.
As long as you did a minimum amount of exams per year you wouldn't go to the army

russia isn't our enemy at this point in time THOUGHEVER
ALTHOUGH it remains our geopolitical enemy together with germoids but that's just how our geographic position dictates it
on the other hand ukraine was formed solely on the basis of visceral hate of poland and everything polish

Don't forget how you were "best buddies" for a while in the 20s (when you also had a war and slaughtered eachother but let's forget about it) !!!
Visegrad24 finally convinced me Ukrainians and Poles are BFF, Bandera absolutely did not kill more Polish civilians than soviet officers during his uprisings, slava urine !

die ukraine, ukraine ueber alles lmao

Yeah and?
I'm not denying it's correct, I'm just laughing at the "muh Russophobia" shit.

>modern military
big assumption for Ukraine, whose army is completely based on soviet equipment.

Anyhoo, even then, the best use for an engineer wouldnt be on the front lines, but in some organizational job at the headquarters.

>russia isn't our enemy at this point in time
Genocidal Russian government is a danger that has to be taken care of sooner or later.

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What more appropriate use for capable people could there be than national defense? You were able to escape conscription not because your government was wise, but because it was corrupt and helpless.

I can't imagine dying for some old rich faggot interests.
Why do people ever agree to this draft shit? Nigga, just run away into the woods.

Poles be like
Meanwhile today in Poland

Why are slavoids like this?

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They've been getting arms and training from Western special operations for a long time now. They are even world leaders in particular military industries and parts manufacturing. Their capabilities are at least comparable to Russia and Western countries. They are not in the stone age.

we never were best buddies in the 20s, 1920s in Poland were marked with a series of terrorists attacks (more than 390) carried out by ukrainian organizations, during pole-boleshevik war we had an "allied" army of ukrainians under Petlura who did jack shit and was hard to control since they were all bandits and convicts - all they did was rape, pillage and do jewish pogroms
also we had no war and there was no "slaughtering each other" - they carried out an organized mass ethnic armageddon torturing and murdering in more than 600 documented ways half million of Poles (this of course was done when every polish soldier was on frontlines since all ukrainians can do is murder helpless women and children - see burning almost 100 russian civilians alive in Odessa in 2014)
very cool I also consume our media

take meds, retard

who's gonna do the dirty work if there is only engineers ?


So like every war in history?

>Why are slavoids like this?
It's the anniversary of the start of ww2.
Purely inside propaganda thing. It will end after a few talks in a week.

shut up and stop sending your uber drivers here we had 12 rape instances by your peoples last month alone in Warsaw

Why are PiS voters like this?

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