That 1 retard who said he was bogged from one cherrypicked bloated pic

>Meanwhile literally a few weeks ago /ourguy/ is still the king Gigachad

Yea I'm thinking chads are back to dominate cinema

>Spiderhead was kino
>Thor 4 about to make a billion dollars
>Extraction 2 already wrapped filming

Chad kino is back boys.. Hemmie summer is in

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-0qtw1Q34sr.jpg (1451x1249, 314.16K)

Dude, calm down. He won't let you suck his dick for defending him on Any Forums.


Honestly can't tell if this is Hemsworth or Zac Efron

nigga mouth still lookin kinda weird

>Implying you wouldn't
Don't project so hard friendo

Attached: 74e15dbeebc84fafc619db7be7266ff4.jpg (1280x720, 64.33K)

His chin still looks bogged. It's like he got some kind of fillers in his jaw and they've settle whereas that other photo he's just got them.


He IS bogged.

Attached: MV5BMjA5NjQ2MTAzN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTY4MjIwNQ@@._V1_.jpg (1452x800, 532.13K)

Take the L user

>Fat faced, softer features, from over a decade ago
>A good 13 yrs older, wrinkles, roided to the gills and pumped full of test with a slimmer face

The state of you lmao

Even if he is a little bogged, he’s still good looking

The L is a picture from 13 yrs ago? Didn't I tell you to take your meds?

he IS bogged.

Attached: file.png (2000x1270, 1.39M)

Yeah, I also remember when my jaw started growing in my 30s.

A fat incel poltard made this thtead

Attached: 105024803_3342905705720482_7745948943266474978_n-e1652564454864.jpg (381x465, 28.68K)

Get your eyes checked fag

I liked Thor 1. The Warriors 3 as well.

HGH does wonders

That's what HGH does you braindead retard. Am I talking to a doorknob or what?

Attached: l2j9f4i8o5s51.jpg (1080x1535, 208.02K)


Attached: 42144906-0-image-a-112_1619210396761.jpg (1908x1146, 182.7K)

Fucking kek, embarrassing how little you know what you're talking about. Spend some time on Any Forums and come back to me

that's what he is saying retards

>get outta my way hindu fucking shits

How do I get on this HGH stuff, is it expensive.