Not like this Thunder sisters....

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Taika was supposed to save Thorbros... Not leave us in darkness

Attached: 8550235-smabc0rax1891.jpg (640x400, 37.07K)

niggas be like OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO and post absolutely nothing spicy

2/10 made me read. Nice fanfiction, screencap this

Sounds like a standard capeshit flick. What's the problem?

it just had an early premiere in Australia this is believable

Doesn't Gorr have a son?

Thor 3 was utter shit already. Did you really expect anything better here?

Kek at the cope. Mods at the spoiler sub verified the second post. It's legit from the premiere and icecold has been going to these marvel premieres for 10 yrs lmao.

It's over

>all MCU shows have been shit
>Doctor Strange 2 was shit
>Thor 4 is already sounding like shit
>next movie is Black Panther 2: No Black Panther Edition
MCU sisters, is it unironically over?

This honestly sounds pretty unhype.

Sounds exactly like Dr Strange 2.


Fucking hell, man. When are we going to get past this shit?

I'm just here for another kino performance from Bale, and these caps don't actually tell me much about his character.

Hercules was teased as the next villain lmao.

>Thor adopts Gorr's daughter for another "experienced father and cub storyline"

>Dr strange had to babysit america
>Mando had to babysit baby yeed
>Obi wan had to babysit Leia
>Hawkeye had to babysit Kate bishop
>Thor now has to babysit a girl


Who's playing Gorr's kid, what do they look like?

But if Zeus is there then his name should not be Hercules.

I guess Kevin Feige really liked God of War 2018

The Force is Female, Chud!

At this point I just assume the kid is entirely CGI with AI voice dialogue.

>Jane Thor does nothing and dies in her first role as a hero making her inclusion completely pointless and just hogging up screen time
>Next film is Gorr's daughter who is guaranteed to be worthless and annoying hogging up screentime again

I'm over it

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Not even shocked by all this. About as terrible as I assumed it was gonna be.

What the fuck are you talking about

nope, women age 15-34 like sexless father figure relationships so we're stuck with it.

prob one of those fags demanding they call him heracles to be more greek accurate as if anyone cares about the greeks