It's been a pleasure talking to you

It's been a pleasure talking to you.

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Who was he?

Im in your house right now OP. cooming on your dad

Is that the guy from Barry?

So, the movie was about sentient time loop?

hes like the personification of his guilt for killing his wife/gf which he can't remember. it's why the guy laughs so hard when he asks who he is

this world is wild at heart and crazy on top

What happens when you ignore your feelings and become destructive to tjose around you,also toxic masculinity because why not.

im on your phone right now

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He was third mic on O&A for years

Who is this valdemar looking mf

No you're confused, he said "I'm in your house" not "I'm in your house sucking off a tranny".

so am i

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How ignoring my feelings can lead to time travel?

get off phone? expecting frens

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You've met him before.


I always looked at it like the kid is the Freudian superego, Bill Pullman is the ego, and the mystery man is the id.
Of course theres more to it than that but the point is they each represent different facets of his personality

thats fucking crazy man

How is he the Id?

This movie remembered only thanks to that song in it.

I'd say The Perfect Drug was more culturally relevant than the movie at the time

>Just dial nigga, I'll fuck you up.

ask me

Rob Ager has quite a conclusive analysis behind a paywall

is this movie actually good? this is the only scene I've seen from it and I know fuck all else about it

How is he the Id?

it's Lynch's best
Helmut Newton-esque neo-noir

mmmmmm. mmmmmmmmm lmao

We both know that Rammstein is far more recognizable these days, and this grants Lost Highway new viewers every year.

>is this movie actually good?
It's not entertaining, but you will watch it to the end.

Fine, be the autist.
Wanna hear my sax playing?

If you like lynch you'll like the movie. If lynch's stuff is too odd for you, then you won't because it's pretty odd. More lynchian than twin peaks I daresay.

this scene is literally the only good scene. i got memed into watching this film because of it and the rest of the film sucks.

My dog barks, some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type o' dog which I have. Perhaps you might even picture Toto... from "The Wizard of Oz." But I can tell you, my dog is all ways with me.