Why are Germans so evil?

Why are Germans so evil?

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at the time prussia saw itself as the world's prestige military much like how usa has been since the 90s, so ofc it will act in a way that would be in concert with that kind of self view


>British, french, and americans casually own 50% of the world through colonialism and imperialism
>so these germans and communists are evil because let's say they had a plan for if they invaded as much of the globe as us
>they are evil because they had a plan in a book when we actually did it.

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they desperately want to lose land they have stolen

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most gemanic americans predate german empire

>German imperialism bad. US imperialism good

the German empire was formed bilaterally as a peaceful agreement n the face of French Aggression.
France, America and Britain were formed by wars of aggression and imperialism.

have sex

I did
Shit still the same
Your advice sucks


The only evil ones in WW1 was the S*rbs for starting the war.
>b-b-but the war would had started eventually anyway
I don't think anyone else but S*rb dogs would plan on assassinating a royal family member

That whole region is a shitstain

>Musk has described the United States as the greatest country that has ever existed on Earth," describing it as "the greatest force for good of any country that's ever been." Musk believes democracy would not exist any longer if not for the United States, saying that it prevented this disappearance on three occasions through its participation in World War I, World War II, and the Cold War.
>World War I

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Where's the lie?

Have sex

They eat kids and drink diarrhea.

>joining a war with autocrats to fight autocrats for "reasons"

Demonic possession. Pergamon, Satan's Throne is on German Soil. It was destroyed and the Satanic forces in Germany rebuilt it there piece by piece.

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next time germmonkeys chimp out hopefully poland goes to the elba

If Germany had won WWI, the world would absolutely have been more autocratic than otherwise.
>uhh but akshually the prussian parliament was very liberal and more people had the right to v-
Don't care virgin