Do you love China?

Do you love China?

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Easiest place to find the highest test Asian girls, nips are too short and weak

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Attached: chinese humvee.jpg (1024x768, 148.89K)

china has done cooler shit in the modern day than america has

china built a high speed rail system built entire metro systems better than nyc and most europeans cities and is planning on racing america to the moon

More than my own country even

What a coincidence, me too

this system is better than nyc london paris and even berlin

Attached: 720px-Beijing_Subway_System_Map.svg.png (720x720, 137.77K)

Is it better than Moscow's? I doubt it's more beautiful

it doesnt look as cool but its more efficient

Literally the most "powerful" country.

Attached: IMG_20220816_164846.png (1369x1235, 530.42K)

Same but China is my original country.

It will collapse within this decade. Screenshot this, I will be the new president of Republic of China (Not T*iwan).

Attached: 0D13EDD3-3921-4007-AF3A-D723CBA41046.png (450x300, 10.46K)

"Love" is a bit too strong a word. I appreciate the history and culture, and the people are nice enough.

Watch these and you will learn to love it

look and what has America done with its cities yeah make them worse while countries like china and other make their cities better America actively makes everything worse

Attached: fucking funny.png (722x742, 717.64K)



No. In fact, I kinda hate it.

bottom right is not an aerial photo, that's unfair

They are humanity's last hope against the infernal rise of the globohomo. I'm wishing them all the best at this point.

here is a ground level photo of hiroshima

Attached: 1475491075_photo.jpg (460x345, 83.17K)

They are humanity's last nightmare

Attached: yanqing-ye-ew-509p.jpg (2201x2500, 1.4M)

This is what happens when you open your borders too much