Nothing in this picture survived


Attached: bush-reagan-and-gorbachev-on-rooftop-bettmann.jpg (900x598, 101.14K)

Bush senior is dead?

that brick building in the foreground is also gone?

died in 2018

Gorbachev looks like Nic Cage in this picture

sky's still blue as ever. maybe not in Britain, though.

Attached: 1661976972371138.jpg (900x495, 122.85K)

i don't know but don't look into it it doesn't matter

The twin towers were ugly af, even Gorby looks like a 6/10 next to those hideous things.

yeah, everyone in new york city hated the twin towers until the minute they assploded. now they're some kind of holy icon

guess what also didn't survive?

Attached: 2000px-Map-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg_.png (2000x1377, 20.17K)

Nothing in this picture will survive

Attached: images - 2022-08-31T152326.260.jpg (554x554, 49.34K)

Wait..people... LE DIE?!????

and buildings past their usefulness get demolished

Good riddance.

the holy trinity of soy

Its the WTC,Deepak

Just like George Floyd?

Why are you fuckers so retarded?

Attached: 1661868516950202.jpg (768x1024, 169.41K)

at least fentanyl Floyd contributed something to the world. he sold crack and crack accessories, and popped caps in bitches' asses
by contrast, the world trade center was occupied by bankers who literally did nothing but shuffle money around

there's already a billionaire alive today who will survive forever by technologically revitalizing their brain, and just before the universe rips itself apart he will jump to an alternate universe

we'll just pull the plug lol
butlerian jihad will win

Attached: chad jihad.png (720x720, 515.61K)