Would you live in working class Britain?

Would you live in working class Britain?

Attached: green and pleasant land.jpg (3312x3963, 3.89M)

which place is cheaper?

up north they basically bulldoze vacant streets, so that'd be your best bet

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>Patel news

Ah our work is complete

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Rustington seems comfy, the others look like some Moldavian ex industrial town

Why britain has houses like?

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it kind of looks like post war mass housing build florida

Attached: I can't believe it's not america.jpg (1920x1080, 512.74K)

The funny part is, at least 4 of these are middle class areas. Also I know the exact location in one of those photos kek.

Cheaply built mass housing for factory workers/labourers/miners so that they could walk to and from work with ease. They’ll almost exclusively be found just outside of city centres and in major post industrial cities. Not anywhere near as common down South in rural areas, mostly a Northern/Midlands thing.

Commi blocks before it was economical to build tall towers.

belfast >wales > leicester > liverpool

Rustington is not working class

That's going to be Upper Class housing for zoomers

Working class is middle class in west now, old working class is neet class

this house valued at 80k in welsh valleys lmao

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Not here

Tradies make good money in uk

Yeah. Retail workers/bar staff/health and social care workers get paid terribly and are a significant chunk of the work force tho

Brits be like
>aaaaaa this is literally hell I'm so poor and miserable
>*Lives in a standing brick house with basic utilities*

then don't work in retail then.
christ you whiners never resolve anything

working in retail/customer facing roles is virtually your only option if you want a job and you have no previous work experience
oh, and guess where said previous work experience would come from?

working in retail is far better than restaurants. get paid the same and do next to nothing.