What are some activity in your country to stop being depressed/sad

what are some activity in your country to stop being depressed/sad

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petting my cat

I like astrophotography. It takes a lot of hours of outdoor time, and a lot of hours of computer image processing time. So plenty of ways to distract you.

walking in forest smelling mushrooms


That's what I do while being a neet.

lift metal disks


hugging a female and fucking her pussy but unfortunately females gatekeep the cure of depression and refuse to give it to sub8 males

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gym. go lift, shower then rethink your day

Go to mass.
Listen to hymms.
All of these things have brought me peace and happiness in my darkest hours.

playing vydea
browsing Any Forums

does this really help you friends? i tried all those for 3 years but still lonely. i hate to admit it but does anything work to cure inceldom depression?

Get hilariously drunk and wander into the nearest concert venue to see a local band and eventually get kicked out because I’m too plastered to function around normal people

I am not sure. In my case I never felt lonely as I actually like being alone and while never being in relationship before I can with 100% honesty say that it was my own choice as I do not seek any partners.
As for curing depression I think it can help.
When I felt down and couldn't leave my bed for days what helped me was initial push from the outside. In that case was an invitation for job interview.
I was lazy about it but I slowly started preparing for it. In the end I blew it up completely but it didn't matter as I had enough motivaton to study the subject on my own so out of interest I have made a road map for 1 year.
For 365 days I would wake up early and do something related to the subject I study. The goal of the day is determined before hand. Depending on the goal it can be planned days in advanced and sometimes just the day before.
I started to take pleasure in taking this challenge. Fulfilling each day with accomplished goal. I've became the creator of my own self-worth. No HR person determines my value like that anymore, not people I know and their own accomplishments, only me.
I started to view my life as a journey. I go through it and even though I set goals I know that it is ok that I would either postpone them for later if something comes up or even cancel them if they won't fit with my current flow at the moment. What matter is to maintain the streak, keep pushing on, live according to your own system, your own creed and don't look at others and try to be someone else. You can be anything and should just enjoy the ride.
I can't really say anything more regarding it.

seems legit thank you for input sir/maam.
this would probz feel great for shirt term til yr sober lel

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Bashing reggaeton-listening subhumans skulls to the ground

Damn tariq, u ok?

I work, then hang out with gf and drink/do drugs in my free time

Exercise is redeeming but the depressive state, or recurrent down feeling must be treated, get psych help if you can.

Good Diet
Enough Sleep
Having a girlfriend
Having friends
Working towards a degree/career you enjoy
Religion for some people
If you have all these and are still depressed, then drugs are your best bet

Watching shitty TV shows
Playing bottom of the barrel f2p games

drinking rakı, you might get more depressed tho

Supporting Assad

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