Fucking LOL

Fucking LOL

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Hahaha russian memes so funny)))

I don't get it.. why is he showing dead fish on the street?

kot ryubit arriba

It's pretty

Fish dead = ukranians
Cats= ruskis
Seller = putin
Women = nato


cool, i didn't have to look up any words this time

everything meme written in Cyrillic might as well be "cow tools" written in Sanskrit

Умpи цигaн


pls translate

do you sell fish
no just showing

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I love how innocently funny Russian boomer memes are

Those kind of memes are zoomers', though

It also has intentional grammar mistakes


Russia is beautiful.


These ones with misspelt captions over photos of cats are a zoomer thing. Even though technically it's just can i haz cheeseburger resurgence

This is russian boomer meme))

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