Call grandma

>call grandma
>she immediately starts regurgitating news headlines and (((current thing)))
It's so fucking tiresome, stupid borg NPCs. How can you possibly be 90 and still take journalism seriously? Get a fucking grip you gullible hag.

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When people get older they get more interested in news. Only at death doors they stop so you should be glad your grandma still cares about the world.

user she's old and tired, let her talk about things

The news are GARBAGE

So true, unlike these braindead NPCs I just believe the opposite of whatever the LAMEstream media tells me

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During corona it was all about corona
Ukraine invasion it is all about putin and Ukraine
Now it's all about food and energy prices

Give it a FUCKING rest

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Them reading the news is less annoying than them reading Facebook

>not letting her ramble on while you interject "damn really?", "wow that's crazy!", or "no way that is true"
This is why you don't get grandma's cookies user.

user... she has a tablet exclusively for reading my uncles and aunts lame Facebook posts about whatever things they are doing (and she mentions those too...)

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Corona > Sneed Floyd > Corona > Ukraine > Roe V. Wade > Prices > ???

Here in the US it flip flopped to Roe v Wade after Ukraine.

Now I don't know what current thing is, probably something against maga chuds. I don't read the news anymore as it's all garbage, only thing I keep up with is gaming news.

I question her and criticise her for being gullible and uncritical of journalism and news

But let me guess... She is "too old" to be criticised?

It's pretty terrible. Mine also constantly bitches about her arthritis and tries to give me 60 years out of date financial advice. Seriously, she never worked in her life except to volunteer as a librarian for her kids' high school where my grandfather was a teacher.

I don't know how my grandfather put up with her.

No, autistic user, the reason why you shouldn't criticise her is because by being 90 and not having learned these things she is demonstrating that she cannot learn these things. You are just picking a fight with a family member who is about to die.

>cannot learn

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Yes, autistic user, she cannot learn it. You are overestimating the capabilities of a 90 year old woman's brain.

She pats herself on the back saying she "keeps up with world events", because that's "important". Whether or not it is hyperbole, twisted for certain narratives or critical info being left out is not important to her at all. She UNIRONICALLY thinks journalists can do no wrong and are fact checked daily. I just cannot fucking believe it.

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I'm glad no one in my family talks about news. Only time we do is when we're personally affected. It's too annoying to keep up with this stuff

You're the one getting his news from an internet message board filled with schitzos who think that space is fake.

It is annoying and tiresome. She takes it is all gospel to her and she will go on and on about it every time I call her.

The ability for a person to learn completely new modes of thinking and understand attitudes about the world which are completely foreign to them, is something that many "fully functioning" people are incapable of doing without great difficulty. Your grandmother is 1. a woman and 2. she's 90 years old. Without even knowing her, I can tell you that the chance she is going to understand is almost nothing. Even smart women often cannot understand the perspective of men with low agreeability. We exist outside of their range of acceptable values.

My family does and it's not that bad. You just have to let them think that you agree with them while avoiding saying anything that could encourage rants.


She is a robot and she thinks about whatever the media tells her to think about. I even confronted her with this and it went nowhere, because she has attributed some sort of honorable authority to politicians and journalists.

I don’t call my grandparents. What do you expect to talk about?