In India illegal sand mining is the country's largest organized criminal activity...

In India illegal sand mining is the country's largest organized criminal activity. Sand thieves are referred to in India as the "sand mafia". They have been alleged to have murdered hundreds of people, including journalists, environmental activists, police officers, government officials, and others.

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Like sand from the beach?
Lmao who cares if they take sand from the coast what can happen from that?

Sand from riverbeds you retard it's for construction

Pajeets are too dumb to make concrete so use sand from rivers instead.

Also I've seen these sand mafias a lot

holy sovl

Calm down didnt mean to offend your ancestors or whatever. And what can happen from that? Cant the river still flow after they take the "sand"? Are you sure is sand and not clay?

>it's real

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Sand is used to make concrete you gigantic tard

>you thought India cannot get any more ridiculous

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How do you think concrete is made?

sand is the most important ingredient in concrete

>nooooo stop dredging your rivers and building shit

zhang i....

Ive seen concrete mixes and they look like sand from the beach not clayish earth you see on rivers. Dont be upset I didnt steal your didgeridoo.

The deadly mafia bit is pretty goofy.

Uh bro...

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go to literally any hardware store and the sand for concrete mixes will be advertised as river sand

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>you thought India cannot get any more ridiculous
An Italian barmaid almost became our prime minister. We are pretty high on the meme tier countries list

Thanks. Still the main question remains unanswered maybe you can help with that too.
And what can happen from that? Cant the river still flow after they take the sand?

>made by Dingo Cement Australia
My sides

Yep, Australians really be like that

It's going to erode faster now

Did she not show enough bobs and bagene?

>Cant the river still flow after they take the sand?
Yeah of course, the point is they're taking it illegally

yes, it can still flow. I don't really know where this meme comes from, "we are running out of construction sand"
Obviously sand isn't unlimited, but there isn't an actual shortage for such a common raw material. There are hundreds of articles that claim [x] is running out just to get clicks

Excessive sand mining can affect the river flow and whatever aquatic life it has.

Haha like sand from a beach haha dumbasses just go get a shovel and bucket how poor are you you steal sand, shit in streets and Pakistan is your archrival haha no joke homies google India and Pakistan turns out they arent so tight haha Pakistan more like jakistan and poodia

No people realised in time that she was a retard despite the common thinking at the time being that all Europeans were 200IQ geniuses


Sonia Gandhi