As bad as this series was, you have to admit this scene was pretty kino...

As bad as this series was, you have to admit this scene was pretty kino. It's probably the best duel we've ever seen in Star Wars.

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It was pretty bad and they ripped it off from a cartoon.

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They never tried to hit one another, just wildly swung into the void or trying to hit each other's sabers.
It was like a prequels fight.

Shut the fuck up troon

>Obi Wan and Vader first fought each other in a cartoon
OK Zoomie

I'm going to laugh at anyone who tries to argue their reunion in a new hope is somehow as cathartic or better than this. The show is still garbage btw. Disney knows how to do moments, Lucas knew how to make good plots.

It's line for line Asoka vs Vader from rebels.
They even give a special thanks to Filoni for the idea in the credits.

When Vader asked Obiwan if he came here to kill him his response should have been "I will try".

The fight between Vader and Obi-Wan was literally the only good thing about the entire series.

Damn near every single sword fight in cinema history is like this.

The fight itself was laughable with amateurish choreography and a linchpin shaky cam, the only genuinely good bit was the interaction between Obi-Wan and Vader at the end.

Nobody cares about your cartoon show zoomie.


>Obiwan has Vader at his mercy
>Vader continues to genocide Jedi for another decade

Nice one Obiwan.

Why did the lightsabers crush the rocks instead of melt through?

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The choreography and editing were shit.

When is Disney finally going to give us the fanservice we want?

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The sound design ruins it. The rocks hitting Vader sound like pebbles.
I had it pointed out to me now I can't unhear it.

All the rocks in this area were like wet sand. They disintegrated in contact.

>Throwing rocks

That always seemed like a dark side thing to do. Cheap shots. Disney seems to have confused the whole dark-light dichotomy of the Force. The Obi Wan enobi show, like most everything before it by Disney, was botched.

well sand is anakin's one true weakness

They even cut open Vader's mask hahaha damn, it just keeps happening!

The whole Kenobi-vader conflict should have been internal to Obi Wan. This fight should not have happened in reality, but in obi wan's imagination. Obi wan should have imagined Darth Vader as a separate character from Anakin and rewrote the events of RotS so in his memory, Vader kills Anakin.

Couldn't agree more. It cheapens out their meeting in ANH. But as an internal event, it would've been kino.

Goofy shit

I could teach a semester in Harvard on how much this scene sucks, but I'll greentext the most important issues here
>no stakes AT ALL (we know both will survive without damage beyond a nosebleed max)
>nothing new (all has been done before and better)
>gimmicky camera angels don't feel Star Warsy in any way (shit looks like vidya, but SW vidya is better)
>no highground joke
>the fact that Obi Wan bests him takes away from the Ep IV (Vader isn't the big baddie after this)
>the fact that Obi Wan has mercy, but no hope for him takes away from Ep VI (showing mercy to Vader by then is a chewed-out plotpoint)
>the fight choreo is mostly bullshit and boring (canon Obi Wan has a different style)
>color scheme is your typical disney vomit and diarrhea
>sound design is laughably bad
>dialogue is Clone Wars cartoon tier
>acting is what-am-I-doing-here tier
>Obi Wan changes his saberhand behind back, no defense
>Obi Wan force-flies into attack, no defense
>Vader should be way stronger here than in Ep III since he has a new master
>what were they thinking while editing? who made that landscape shot bullcrap?
>telling this event makes no fucking sense in the saga except for cheap filler/spinoff/alternative universe/cash grab purposes
the list goes on, but I can't take it anymore right now

Does Vader shoot lightning out of his fingers at any point?