George > Ringo > Paul > John

George > Ringo > Paul > John

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video game music >>>

Very dishonest. Ringo is like a bystander even if I don't really love The Beatles I know better than to put him anywhere near the top.

This was boring and anyone watched it the whole way through without fast forwarding is a loser.

I personally like ringo the most,all his songs are happy and about hanging out with his frens.

they're all sleepy boring dandies and i dont know why people like them.
>pretentious wanker
>hes alright but but boring
>fried brain
>friend brain non-entity

their music belongs in commercials



George > power gap > John >>>>> Paul and Ringo

>paul insisted his set at glastonbury wasn't shown live on tv so it had an hour delay
why is he such a dickhead

Lennon (Plastic Ono Band, Imagine era) >> Harrison (ATMP era) > McCartney (solo stuff prior to Wings) > Lennon > McCartney > Harrison > Ringo > Ringo (Why Not)

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here, i fixed it for you to make it more BIPOC friendly

Attached: built back colofuler.png (253x380, 255.21K)

>POB better than ATMP
retarded, plus ATMP isn’t even George’s best

Cloud 9 has a few good songs but it's still mostly his boomer rock. Also Harrison formed The Traveling Willberries. A county fair tier band.

No one said a word about Cloud Nine
>The Travelling Willberries
My brother in Christ, you unironically like Lennon’s avant shit, like come on now

many such cases!

Attached: polar bears.jpg (600x900, 101.28K)

Lennon 65-66 > the rest
rubber soul + revolver were peak beatles

The White Album > Abbey Road >= Revolver > Rubber Soul > Let It Be > Sgt. Peppers > Magical Mystery Tour

>George > Ringo > Paul > John

George > Ringo > Paul & John

Based but White Album should be third

I hope they reunite before tehy all died dudes. I've just been alive recently but I love their songs

Cumtown breaking up is making me sad like how this doc and then reading about the Beatles breakup made me feel