The word "United" or "Republic" in a country's name is propaganda. always has been...

the word "United" or "Republic" in a country's name is propaganda. always has been. anywhere you see the word "United" or "Republic" (or similar) in a county's name, you also find a history of attempts at independence which were defeated and absorbed into a single power structure

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The south lost, get over it

so did the huguenots and the various formerly independent regions of modern france. that's why you're a catholic republic and have access to the mediterranean sea

>Country refers too itself with a word that implies dictatorship
>it's actually a democracy
>Country refers too itself with a word that implies democracy
>it's actually a dictatorship

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Your statement is proven wrong by the USA.

>Country refers too itself with a word that implies dictatorship
what is it?

Kingdom for example

Republicbros, we lost...

the word united took on a whole new meaning after 1865. prior, united meant united against england

Kingdoms were never dictatorships outside of the absolute monarchies of the 17th century

Tell me about attempts at independence in the UAE

What happened in 1865? There have never "been attempts at independence" in the United States

Cope Cletus, if the union had let you leave, we would have taken over Haiti style.

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uh the civil war?

they were succesful
Originally intended to be part of the proposed Federation of Arab Emirates, Bahrain became independent in August, and Qatar in September 1971. When the British-Trucial Sheikhdoms treaty expired on 1 December 1971, both emirates became fully independent.

>Republic of Austria

lets go?

Modern nation-states are a historical and geographic aberration

Simple as. (If we could unify what we call)

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isnt it called State of Japan

That's even worse... That's means the nation is enslavered by nazmens and their __ws.

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Still simple as.

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