Apocalypse Now Redux

This is the best film ever made.

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True. So is The Godfather.

I need a concrete answer which goddamn cut I need to watch? Theatrical, Director, Final, International, Redux and other million cuts.

No top gun maverick is

I thought the ending was kinda lame. Did you enjoy the ending? I understand murdering your captor but he's released and allowed to walk around. The protagonist pretty much kills him because he was ordered to.

I wouldn't say it's the best film ever made but it's definitely a contender. Just goes to show what can happen if you give some people who really care about making movies a bunch of money and let them just go off and do shit like build massive sets on-scene in the Philippines and hire a bunch of wild druggy actors. Shit that would seem crazy by modern standards of boring corporate types who just want to do everything without ever leaving LA or taking any risks.

Says it in the image. Redux. It's the best version, though the others are worth watching if you like it enough and want to see the differences.


Redux is awful and no one sane thinks it's the best version.


>Redux shilling
This place has gone full retard.

Theatrical. Redux and Final are fine for rewatches, but they only make the film weaker.

You will never see another scene like ride of the valkyries ever again due to CGI. It was literally a simulation of invading a village via helicopters.

Redux is for the patricians.

This is the end
Beautiful friend, the end
This is the end
My only friend the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes again

Can you picture what will be?
So limitless and free
Desperately in need of some
Stranger's hand
In a desperate land

watch Theatrical

>ask OP a question two minutes after he makes his thread about "the best movie ever"
>he can't even answer it

Nice. Someone reply to my post after I've filtered this thread and continue to filter 90% of the board. Please enjoy each others company, Reddit.

Thank you. I'm doing Theatrical.

Maybe your posts are just shit so nobody answers them.

Did you not watch the film? Kurtz allowed him to be free so he could be killed. He knew Willard's mission was to kill him and he wanted to end his suffering.

Theatrical first
Redux if you're interested

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Theatrical is good for the first watch. If you like the film, watch Redux. Redux is by far the best version for people who love it.

Trippy that Jim Morrison sang the song that bookends the movie and it was his father who had been in charge of US naval forces during the Gulf of Tonkin incident that precipitated the Vietnam War. I don't think there's some mysterious conspiracy behind that, it's just one of those wild things that happen sometimes in history.

This movie is peak Reddit

You will have a STRONG bias for which ever version you watch first as the theatrical and redux have a very different pacing and feel, and which ever you watch second will end up feeling odd as and either unfinished (if you watched redux first) or bloated (if you watched theatrical first). But I do think that ultimately the redux will stand the test of time better and while it may be a worse Vietnam film, it is a far more interesting and unique film overall and feels like a mode complete vision. The redux is a better adaptation of Heart of Darkness as well as a true modern Odyssey as Milius intended.


True. Dunno why people here pretend to like it.

The Japanese Sundance 5 hour bootleg is the true patrician's choice

there he is boys

I like theatrical more than Redux because I think that Redux dissipates the nightmarish mood of the slow journey up the river with some scenes that, while they are good in and of themselves, don't contribute much to the overall effect. A well-read viewer of the film will already know about the history of the French colonizers anyway, such a viewer doesn't really need some long scenes of people talking around a table about it.

It's one of my favourite films and I saw redux first but theatrical is undoubtedly the best cut imo.

I think the exact opposite. Redux is more a slow build of the nightmarish mood you're talking about, and the French villa scene just feels so surreal, adding to the tension.

Fair enough, theatrical was the first version I saw so maybe that biases me

Theatrical. You can watch the Redux version afterwards but you'll see most of it is either unnecessary or belongs in a different film (the tiresome bit with the French family is like the Tom Bombadil holiday stay, kills the urgency and belongs in a straighter Heart of Darkness adaptation).