This small town in Poland is literally called "Anger"(Gniew)

This small town in Poland is literally called "Anger"(Gniew).
Say something nice about it.

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I wonder who they hate ))))))))

Well themselves first and foremost like most poles


Takes me right back to reading 19th century Slovenian lit describing the poverty of the peasantry in primary and high school (nowadays we say 'jeza').

stop posting polish towns 200x per day

lmao. that's pretty much every slavic and baltic book I've read.
no fucking wonder you people kill yourselves being forced to read shit like that

The Jireček line existed for a reason, and that was extreme poverty to the east of it.

Sorry, I meant the Hajnal line. Mixed up those two Czech surnames, each relating to a different conceptual historical line, lol.

Looks better than the town I live in

>19th century
Eh, jeza is too low key, i still use gnev, especially is I want to combine bes and jeza

We use "bies" for "devil" and we have a verb "biesić się" which means to get angry.

by presence of red roofs you can guess it was a German city

Just like Kraków or Venice holy kek polaks..

Where did you see red roofs in Kraków? maybe look at this city from above in some photos


im talking about cities in Poland

Deflect more

Attached: Rynekwsloncu-kopia.png (720x1040, 1.48M)

Sandomierz was german as well? Wtf it's like I don't know history anymore, thanks 18 years old professor user.

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and how many red roofs do you see there? a small minority

Hahaha lol

Attached: kazimierz-dolny.jpg (1200x630, 496.11K)

Wilno, a very german city

Attached: wilno z lotu ptaka_PROSlGN shutterstock_320411861.jpg (644x430, 111.65K)

exceptions happen everywhere, these are selected tourist towns where roofs were probably standardized already after Polish independence, meanwhile in former Germany, even totally shithole towns have red roofs made of ceramic tiles

not Poland

Blahblah whataboutism
You have been served lol

not denying there are exceptions but Sandomierz and Kazimierz are well known tourist destinations meanwhile Gniew is a no-name