Learn icelandic

learn icelandic.

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Will it get me an Icelandic wife?

teach me

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not telling
pay me
så du kan forstå mig


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I want to move to Iceland so bad

the FUCKING cirno though

naes i rassin


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do you accept payment in hugs

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beat it punk
what did I JUST say to the dane?

Mjo men förstår du inte oss från skandinavien? Undrar hur svårt(lätt) det är för svenskar att lära sig isländska.

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do you agree with this statement?

Kiss me on the lips

what would be the benefits of learning icelandic ?

I love Iceland! I wanna move to Iceland and marry an Icelandic girl (boy)! Will learning Icelandic get me closer to this goal?

allt í lagi

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Maybe, can you send me a link to a good English translation of the sagas and another one of the original one?

>great x100 aunt gets whisked away to Arctic paradise
>I am left to suffer in Ireland

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Þungur hnífur

i need to know if i'll get a girl like 'that icelandic youtuber' after i learn your language