How come body horror doesn't hit as it use to?

How come body horror doesn't hit as it use to?

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Because if you're in america you see body horror every time you walk down the street

Body horror is just gross out faggotry, it's uninteresting.


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Kek and true. I saw some heavy stuff in NY.

Is KStew off the weed?

This movie was super weird. I never understood pain being pleasurable.

We're living in a grotesque time.

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People wilfully mutilate themselves now. Real life is more terrifying.

Is this movie as boring as it looks?

cronenberg has toned it way the fuck down because he doesn't like that label.

This is the best part about living in the midwest. It may be boring, but atleast I'm limited towards freaks, other than the occasional nigger most people are normal

you can see pustulating prolapsed anuses getting triple penetrated with less than 5 clicks, who cares about detailed special effect gore when real daily life is so much more grotesque and real

this, real life has surpassed fiction

her acting in this flick is weird as fuck. like she's about to have a panic attack at any second. whole film has very odd acting, like cronenberg was trying to pull a zulawski or something.

the body horror label got blown way out of proportion. the way people apply the term to cronenberg's movies you'd think they were all non-stop spectacles of gore.

You brainlet. They couldn’t feel pain

Because this and this
also because it doesn't feel right with CGI

Because you got old

The body horror marque was glued on post-hoc because this certainly is not the high concept arthouse film the pretentious twat Cronenberg thought he was making

user nobody has still managed to quite topple two girls, one cup. And that was allegedly ice cream