You are now aware that the party who's about to win the Italian election is the successor of the Italian Social...

You are now aware that the party who's about to win the Italian election is the successor of the Italian Social Movement, which was established after WWII by veterans and officials from the Italian Social Republic, and several other high profile members of the Republican Fascist Party which ruled the ISR under Mussolini.

Attached: Schermata-2022-08-25-alle-09.11.05.png (634x238, 137.78K)

You keep posting on the wrong board

Every board is Any Forums when the jannies are asleep.

what are their political goals?

So? go there no one care about shitalian politcs not even here

These guys dont know shit about politics they will maybe push one of their goals on immigration but fail at everything because they either dont know how to or they dont know enough about how our system works. Italian politicians are geberally low iq but our right wingers are actually braindead


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Smettila di sparare stronzate Gennaro

They are no fascists though, they're EU cocksuckers like every other party
Only real fascist parties left are Fascismo é Libertà and Fasci Italiani del Lavoro, but (obviously) they can't even be voted because they didn't get enough signs and because they're overall very small

stopping migrant boats with the navy, promoting christian values and stuff, changing the italian constitution

If you are on the right and openly call yourself a fascist then you are a braindead larper at best or a lefty provocateur and worst

chi votate ragazzi? gli atlantisti democratici o gli atlantisti finti nostalgici?

forse i primi almeno un minimo di economia la sanno, comunque votate Calenda che almeno la smettiamo di tirare avanti a super bonus e magari si iniziano a fare investimenti

>they're EU cocksuckers
they are allied with PiS in Europe

>epic right-wing party is called Brothers of Italy
>president of the party is a woman
Do Italians really?

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Who says I'm on the right?

What happened to the turtlebros?

I hope they're gonna throw free masons under a bridge

never been relevant, people who are right wing traditionalists are surely nostalgic but they don't really wanna be seen as fascists, so they always vote for the moderate right wing party

they are irrelevant lol

You shittalk the EU so you must be on the right. Btw the same thing applies to tankies as to self proclaimed fascists. So yeah you are definitely on the right.

Brothers of Italy are the first three words of the national anthem.

In Latin languages, if two parents have 5 girls and 1 boy they will refer to them as "brothers"
Theres no neutral term like siblings

What about it?
We know they're retarded, it's nothing new. What the point of your post, OP?

>promoting christian values
So they have nothing to do with Mussolini?

>You shittalk the EU so you must be on the right.
The french far-left is anti-EU and got 22% of the vote. It is not exclusive to the right.


You are now aware that non of this is my problem

Okay so you'll vote for some controlled opposition """"nationalist""" party just like us here in Sweden during the election this year. The Sweden Democrats (SD) who keep being called nazis in mass media but who're pro-LGBT and NATO and has no problem with mass immigration as long as they're Christians who learn the language.

I'm a socialist, retard


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Correct, you are a socialist retard

It's like that everywhere in Europe. People speak of the rise of the far-right, yet the far-right has mellowed out significantly everywhere.

Here, we're kinda lucky. As our far-right never expelled or disavowed any members, no matter how extreme.

>You are now aware that the party who's about to win the Italian election is the successor of the Italian Social Movement, which was established after WWII by veterans and officials from the Italian Social Republic, and several other high profile members of the Republican Fascist Party which ruled the ISR under Mussolini.

And now you are aware that this party was funded by American intelligence agencies under NATO's Gladio operation during the cold war.

Pro-NATO yes but that's not surprising, the Italian far right has a history of cooperation with the CIA during the cold war. Pro-LGBT and immigration absolutely not.
The world changed since 1918.

That's a good sign. NATO deliberately sought out violent fascist organizations in case of commie take over. They did it here too. This means they are the people that would fight on the front line to defend the nation.