My region is propably better than yours

Attached: Uusimaa-Finland.jpg (1024x540, 206.63K)

Yeah right, show me how this looks like when its not summer.

You have never seen snow?

yes, your region may be better than mine, but i am better than yours

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I knew it was binland before clicking.

do you own a boat

we have like three in family, everyone can use them

You are correct, I wish I lived in Funland

looks like Sweden

depends of winter, archipelago doesnt always freeze here

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where the fuck are your hills?

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how are the mosquitos?

Finland is flat af
Peak sovl. This is home. I love the coasts of Finland.

>Finland is flat af

In the lakes underwater.

Too cold, too isolated, too poor.

The South of England is the garden of the eden. No mental weather conditions, no war or famine, everybody is rich, the only thing we worry about is diabetes and dementia.

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its a sea, so not that bad

>the only thing we worry about is diabetes and dementia.
and the rise in the cost of living, and the collapse of our public services, and the millions of boat people that invade our country yearly that will eventually reach your serene little haven

You don't own your own home or car? That sounds like a you problem, not everybody is a council house mong from manchester mate

Attached: Beaulieu - Webs Ready.jpg (750x430, 378.33K)

>Too cold, too isolated, too poor.
i said propably

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how is owning a house and car going to save you from the inevitable collapse of our country? kek

Nothing is collapsing, you've read too much of the Guardian. Just a manufactured narrative campaign to build the groundwork for the next election. imagine being this naive

>Nothing is collapsing,
2/3 of the country will be in fuel poverty come january, mate

Not really a collapse though is it

you want to see a collapse? don't dilate your neovagina for a week and then you'll see a collapse. you troon weirdo. tranny tranny tranny

you're the bugmen swallowing every millilitre of cum from Labour HQ about le cost of living like an hysterical woman use your brain and stop ordering uber eats fat boy learn to budget

>where the fuck are your hills?
174m from sea level is highest point

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