/bra/ - Fio Brasileiro

Edição do Lula Rato

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Bom dia senhores

Sim, eu sou trad

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why are brazilians like this?

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the dumb ones falls for memes

we're retarded. you have no idea how dumb the average brazilian is.
I'm astounded that this country still exists.

Ola! Bom dia, meu amigo do brasil! Eu nao falo portuguese, eu nao sei, mas eu falo ingles. Voce esta feliz?

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Sempre feliz, meu bom! E você, como está?

Дoбpoe yтpo, мoй дpyг. ты в пopядкe? здecь мы oчeнь любим pyccких и ocoбeннo пoтoмy, чтo oни yльтpaпpaвыe, кoнcepвaтивныe и дoбpoдeтeльныe. кaк ты и твoя жизнь? ceмья co здopoвьeм и блaгoпoлyчиeм?

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Russians are not nazi. Only few retarded autists from police are and other low educated and brain damaged bydlos are (50% of population). In russia we punch them, you can even put their bald heads into a dirty toilet and all, what nazi can do in this case - they will scream "yaruzke", (it means "I don't have any skills, so I am a bydlo").

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you have a cool president

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nice art
It's a pity I can't stay here because I have to celebrate my great-grandmother... Maybe I'll come back later, though.

Educação não é transformar o coração em um livro.

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Evangélicos necesitam ser matados

con los terroristas

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olá, kak tak?
vou bem obrigado



high test

só o bolso pode?

bozista acredita q o bozo é o Messias