I left my friend group

I left my friend group
I have no friends now
Im finally free
Thank God

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cool, go make new friends now. its honestly not that hard.

if you're someone who spends most of their time online, it honestly is a good idea to stop talking to all of your online friends

I dont want to
Thats why i left
I dont have a online presence except for whatsapp for necessity

I dumped all of my friends over a decade ago and I've never looked back. All my "friends" ever did was treat me like shit. I have no problems being alone the rest of my life.

>I have no problems being alone the rest of my life.
except soul crushing loneliness

Formal relationships are the best or brotherhoods but they're rare
why are you so afraid of solitude?

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You either get over it or you don't. I've found ways to cope. I've never had a gf either, but it doesn't bother me that much since I never thought I would have one anyway. It's all psychological imo and it's easy to let crippling loneliness drag you down. Find hobbies that captivate you, stay busy, work if that's what you like doing. Just do anything other than sit around and think about how lonely you are.

you're not alone when you're with yourself and satisfied with what you have. Being alone comes from needing words and noise, recognition and love. No need for love from others if you learn to love yourself just enough.

>earn to love yourself just enough.
teach me how to, user

Go to church
read the bible

when you have god in your heart, you're never alone

>misanthropy is...le good

>most people
not all

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I know it's a dumb meme that's even referenced in rom-coms, but I honestly feel more lonely around people than by myself

Be alone then. Obviously this is a plea for help, otherwise you wouldn't have made a thread.

that isn't meMy advice is to accept who and what you are. Obviously if you're a rapist or baby killer that doesn't fly and you need to change something. Other than that special case, and if you're just a regular imperfect guy, you have the right to be happy the way you are.
Yeah you do or say some dumb shit and yes you mess up. As long as you're not in it to hurt someone, who cares.
Make a mental or written list of what you don't like about yourself, and just accept it as being part of you.
The mind is a fucking shitter. Don't listen to negative shit. The power of the negative shit only works because you listen to it and keep listening to it. Only listen when you want to learn and emancipate yourself from it, else just turn your attention away from it. Watch the body. The body breathes, the body is warm. The body doesn't give a shit about anything.

Im just sharing it with my real friends ;)

Any other oilkinos?

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The Son is basically TWWB and Yellowstone having a baby

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welcome to the afterlife my brotha, Jesus loves you

you GOT a FRIEND in ME

I did that months ago.
Only because we were all 28, and still doing the sane shit we were doing at 18, looking or new vidya to play, going to the bar etc. It was getting cringe.

That and I genuinely love being alone. I gym alone, work alone, and not having to look at my phone every 5 mins is cosy.

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Hey Stavros

how would you recommend someone that doesn't drink and has solitary hobbies make friends?

this is my post, i want to add look for wholesome relationships that are spiritually nourishing, souls arent meant to be alone unl4ess its your vocation ie ascetic monk or something

You can't since you're solitary.
Unless you count Online friends in which case play vidya with your mic on,or join a discord - be careful of discord though it's chock full of trannies, e-thots and annoying cunts and simps.

Actually you're okay alone.

get new hobbies, got it. maybe softball will be more tolerable than little league was.

I have no friends either. I never got along very well with other people; it's like I didn't understand them and they thought I was weird or just worthy of contempt. In childhood and adolescence there were some girls in my life who were nice to me and I considered them good friends until recently, but now that I'm almost 30 I'm realizing that it can't be the same now that they're wanting to settle down with their boyfriends or husbands. Maybe it's for the best that now I'm free to do whatever I want instead of trying to make time for normie women who I don't have that much in common with anymore besides shared memories from over a decade ago.