Is there anything of value in Europe?

Is there anything of value in Europe?
It's pretty barren of any resources except for a few amount of coal and a little amount of iron and a little amount of oil in the north sea.

The only thing of value in Europe lies in Eastern Europe.

Attached: europe.jpg (2500x1761, 1.04M)

Raw resources aren't that important to have under your feet

We have a lot of shale gas actually. But we won't exploit it because "muh planet".

Attached: EIA_World_Shale_Gas_Map-en.svg.png (1920x960, 476.13K)

It matters in terms of international power.

Attached: oil production.jpg (617x954, 193.04K)

Ah yes the powerful countries of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Raw resources are not that useful if you don't have the infrastructure or the skilled workforce to do anything with it. If you listened to the rambling leftists telling us to stop buying the uranium (which we don't even buy that much of) and rare metals, they would still just find someone else to sell it to because they don't have any facilities to do anything with the resources. And even if we gave them some they would still lack anyone to operate it.
No matter how you look at it it's perfectly normal that a raw resource is less important than a transformed one. What should sell higher, a lump of raw iron or steel medical tools? A seed of wheat or a loaf of bread? A cow or all of the cheese we have produced from the cow over it's lifespan? It always worked this way.

1m2 of evropa has more soul than entire state in america

soul doesn't power a country though.

only thing that matters

none of the power in the world matter to the individual as it is in the hands of the people in control who do not care about the masses

Nigeria has 10x less oil production than the USA.

What's your point? As you can see on your chart, countries such as Kazakhstan, Angola or Azerbaijan produce much more than places like Germany or the Netherlands. And they are dirt poor in comparison. Maybe having oil isn't the only thing that makes a country rich?

>Maybe having oil isn't the only thing that makes a country rich?
the only who controls the most oil is the richest and most powerful though.

the one*

Yeah and the number 2 on the list is poorer than fucking Italy.
If you think the only reason USA is that rich and powerful is having a lot of oil, you have a very poor opinion of your own country.

Russia is powerful because they have a lot of oil primarily as well as a lot of other resources and a large population.

If you add an educated population + oil + other resources + stability + a large population you get a great power which can dictate the flow of trade.

Well yes, resources are an important factor of course. The success of a country depends from many factors. In the modern day, in order to be a superpower it is definitely important to have them. But a country can still thrive with little resources, the best example of this is Japan.

>few amount of coal
Was enough to build the modern world but whatever heh. Only reason we're all having fun online, ultimately, is because of British coal.

Attached: COAL.png (2150x1500, 27.76K)


Why do we need to have it below our feet when we can just import cheap resources from Africa? The EU and China rule Africa

I think Finland and also Sweden have some gold mines. Also I've heard that Romania has some, but they sold the rights to them to Canada some decades ago.
I think there were some gold deposits in like Austria/Switzerland, but I'm not sure if they are still mined.
Sweden and Norway have large iron deposits as well I think. And Norway also has gas.
Other than that a lot of countries have coal, Poland and Germany for example.

we have a shitton of copper here

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