The holy trinity of soy countries

the holy trinity of soy countries

Attached: TheButthurtSacredGeometry.png (6000x6000, 1.1M)

first for bald eagle

Attached: 1630167991614.jpg (1242x713, 219.63K)

Thats a great picture actually. Saved it

gem. Accurate on chink diaspora

The gem that saved the 'arty

Don't piggyback on Anglo achievements, you balding chinlet dutch lanky nigger

? is about butthurt caused, and if anyone causes butthurt out of nowhere is anglos you disgusting, revolting, repulsive, plumber animal.

Dutch are literally deformed apes with twig bodies and lack of chins. Shut your drugged up whore mouth before I wipe the floor with your corpse.

Trinity means three, dumbass

fucking disgusting, butthurt, assblasted animal slavic monkey, don't even dare and talk to me again, you revolting potato headed troll mongrelico, with those disgusting, vomitive, slavic goblin manlet fingers of yours.
you disgusting orc. you repulsive beast, go back from where you came, to your abhorrent vodka steppe, vomitive beast

It's a recurrent meme, newchild

Still wrong, illiterate dumbasses

>le me is le good and le everyone else is le bad

>Trinity means three, dumbass

Attached: trinity.png (336x594, 82.88K)

but unironically.
the second coming of christ was as an entire race

imagine the mental illness required to make an image like this

Cope chudcel

>no butthurt

hihihihi look at that finn and japanese, cute

No it's not. Going from a hexagon to a square is straight up retarded since these aren't polyhedrons. It should have been an octogon. Sad state of affair if you consider how much time has been spent on that artistic piece of shit and I don't say that because he called me a homo, negrophilic psychopath

Fuck fuck fuck I wanted to say 'pentagon' not 'octogon'. How shall I redeem myself sirs

its a trinity cause there's 3 different shapes

gallo-roman fail