Say "taiwan province of china" or xi shoot you

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death to every commie

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spierdalaj kubuś puchatek ;]

Calm down with the baiju, Uncle.

turn off the proxy

Taiwan province of the republic of China (under KMT control)

Aside from a few CCP antics - there is absolutely no reason to hate China. It has a long and interesting history. I don't give a shit about Taiwan, though.

Taiwan province of China!!!

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Ah sweet, another one of China’s infamous “final warnings”

That's because you are a Paki.

Not my problem

Why would a Paki have an affinity for China?

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Sorry i only recognise Da Ming Cibeiguo

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why do americans love sniffing chinese industrial chemicals?

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China couldn’t take it over
That proves that Taiwan doesn’t belong to them

>is Chinese himself, speaks and writes Chinese
>calls his own people pigs, dreams of killing them
you should light yourself on fire to kill yourself

What is with Xi’s fucking smile?

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yes that's why they are going to be retaking it

taiwan province of china

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I really couldn't care less what happens in chingchong land, China can annex all of it for all i care
I already have a hard time giving a shit about Ukraine so you can imagine how much i care about Taiwan
I don't understand why people even want to go to war with them when we have so many foreigners in our own countries? We need to have a civil war first
Or a war against Arabs
Even against Russians if you want
But the fucking Chinese? Why? Somebody explain to me what European interest is there and why you shill for anti-China war in Europe so hard, i dare you

It's so expected it's not funny anymore

We are consistent with our One China Policy. We hope all parties to show restraint over this multi-faceted and complex matters.

because a world where CCP China is the global hegemon would be an absolute hellhole for everyone

it doesn't even matter who is telling you this
100% of racial self loathers are mentally ill. you should kill yourself

That is true. I dont hate China. I hate the communist imposters who took power in China.

dude you're from romania, your country is already hell on earth. its a shame ceausescu didn't kill more

>Canadian diaspora tells you what you country you belong to to satisfy his insecurity complex

I'm ok

At least they would keep Paris clean
They might even do something about all the black people, their tourists don't like them
What's not to like?
Xi, if you pledge to remove black people from Paris, i will officially recognize Taiwan as part of China

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you're an NPC, you can't really "hate" anyone because you don't have emotions, you're only programmed to react to visual and audio stimuli

kek do they really?

Nationality based hate you dumb nigger
go back to papa xi

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Kek. I have more free thought than ten average chinksects combined.

Yes, Taiwan is the ONLY province of the true China. They will take back their ancestral land from the evil commies and all will be right with the far East.