We ll not pay shit nigha!

We ll not pay shit nigha!

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Greens are cucks

UN is just USA's proxy to dictate other countries

what has the UN done exactly?

not my problem

greens are firsties

Pay dubes.

The UN should be abolished so good on those countries for not paying.
>The US did not pay
LMAO even the creators of this waste of an organisation can't be bothered

Well um uh...They uhh....send thirdie troops to poor african countries to uhh...do stuff!

coordinated covid lockdowns
coordinated mass vaccinations



Green are literal cuck, lmao.

If you can't even pay debts, how are you going to be a firstie?

why are we funding dysfunctioning globo degeneracy again?

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Defund the UN.

Is nigga spelled with an H in poortuguese?

pay debts

smallpox was eradicated through the UN. They have alot of mission like those that benefit humanity but are usually ignored because the only time people care is when all the big country sit on the table and talk shit during a conflict. But even that table is useful because it forces every representative of each country to hear about anyone's complain directly. It's not perfect, but it's useful

I am not too serious about defunding, but yes the UN's constant whining and hypocritical looking the other way is not to be taken seriously


They do a lot and the sooner people stop thinking it’s a military world police the sooner you smoothbrains will understand what it really does. It brokered peace deals, observes conflicts to mitigate war crimes etc. Clearing minefields. Making sure aid gets where it’s needed. We only hear about UN fuck ups nobody ever talks about the run of the mill daily successes as it’s not iNtErEsTiNg nEwS

so where can I read about what the UN does today that is positive?
please don't recommend the UN webpage, I need to filter most small news

Thoughts and fucking prayers for everyone suffering