What are black people in France like? Are they better than African Americans or worse?

What are black people in France like? Are they better than African Americans or worse?

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The French are weird with Blacks, if they are getting pissy about Algerians they'll make some claim or statement about how Blacks don't damage the fabric of the nation or have members who contributed to France in some way. Outside of that they flip to total loathing and scapegoating of Blacks or Africans in various shit like elections or labour.

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they get into crimes too but less murders than americans ones. They love crack too

wayyyy worse, mate

Worse, because they are often fresh off the boat immigrants. And not the rich ones like you have.
It's not just doing crack and stabbing people are random, they are into some tribal African shit sometimes. One time we had a woman kidnap a baby and eat his heart because she thought voodoo magic would give her eternal youth. They have plenty of weird retarded African traditions like that. Another example is how the women like to eat clay and mud cakes, especially during pregnancy, apparently it's "addictive".

Darker and dumber, think southern jigaboos.

Clay is good for health actually, it also drain heavy metal and toxins from your body

Do you love Africa?

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According to doctors, it prevents puking however it also causes anemia in the baby as well as premature birth or stillbirth
>Les effets néfastes du kaolin sur la santé sont plus nombreux que les effets bénéfiques. L’absorption du kaolin entraine l’anémie, et peut freiner le développement harmonieux du bébé. La mère peut donc accoucher prématurément, ou d’un enfant ayant un développement insatisfaisant
>. En effet, les femmes consomment généralement du kaolin pour ses propriétés antalgiques pour les douleurs abdominales, pour la gestion du stress, ses apports en fer et en calcium. Les femmes enceintes l’utilisent même pour ses effets antiémétiques. Dans le cas d’une prise régulière à des doses élevées, le kaolin pourrait induire des comportements de dépendance semblables à ceux retrouvés dans le syndrome de pica. Celui-ci correspond à un comportement compulsif induit par une consommation prolongée de substances non nutritives telles que la saleté, du papier ou de l’argile. Ses effets indésirables comprennent une anémie par interférence avec la fixation du fer sur l’hémoglobine, une lithiase rénale, une constipation et possiblement des avortements spontanés. Ce premier cas rapporté aux centres d’addictovigilance français permet aux cliniciens français d’être informés sur cette possible nouvelle addiction.

Does white flight exist in France? Do you have any Detroits where there are zero whites throughout an entire hemisphere of a city?

Americans always talk about France like it's a black nation when they have over 40 million of them.

Why are blacks so tall and muscular then? Every time (everyday everywhere actually in France) I saw blacks here they tower whities

>Does white flight exist in France?
Yes it does, but it's a bit different. In some more medium sized cities you have whites going to the suburbia and city centers becoming non-white, similar to America. In other larger cities such as Paris, on the opposite whites are all going to the city center while the suburbs are ghettos. It also happens within cities, in every city every local knows which area is a white area and which is a non-white area.
>Do you have any Detroits where there are zero whites throughout an entire hemisphere of a city?
Many municipalities in the greater Paris area are like this but i don't know if that's different from say, the Bronx. Closest thing we have is probably the city of Roubaix, which is overwhelmingly muslim.

Keep your fetishes to yourself cuck

There are 330 millions of americans

They are coons

And 3 million blacks in France out of a population of 68 million people.

In Murcia there are cities where blacks are almost 50%.

>there are cities where blacks are almost 50%.
A lot of the time those numbers are only counting a smaller part of the city rather then the entire city as a whole. There's also the fact that in the Deep South yeah you'll have cities or towns that are heavily Black that's given lol.

>Another example is how the women like to eat clay and mud cakes, especially during pregnancy, apparently it's "addictive".
Women chewing or eating stuff isn't that unusual during pregnancy. Many often chew ice.


Just look at this shit, Detroit is 80% black.

>One time we had a woman kidnap a baby and eat his heart because she thought voodoo magic would give her eternal youth.
Source on that? I tried googling it but got no results

Algerians are basically whites with black skin, they integrate very well in french society, the troublemakers are muslims and other africans

Black americans are basically tribals

Because most people left the city and all that stayed were the poor. It's not really a representation of the US as a whole. More so since there's more town ad and cities that are almost mono-white.

>Algerians are basically whites with black skin, they integrate very well in french society, the troublemakers are muslims
The Algerians ARE the Muslims.

Most algerians dont get black skin and they are muslims. Wtf are you on about?