I edited Obi-Wan into a movie

I made an edit of the show into a movie. I tried my best to cut out as much filler and bullshit as possible but unfortunately it's like the Phantom Menace where everything is interconnected. If anyone's interested currently uploading it but my upload speed is terrible. It's about 3 hours long give or take and I'm sure someone more competent than me could make it shorter. Enjoy I guess before someone takes it down

Some notable changes off the top of my head:
>Cut out like 70% of Reva
>Almost zero mentions of Darth Vader until full reveal at the first showdown
>Cut out the entire baby leia chase sequence
>Cut out the order 66 intro since it served no purpose overall
>Obi wan is never seen with a blaster or shoots someone with it (I think I got every frame could be wrong
>Decided to cut out the first Reva/Obi-wan encounter


Tbh it still might be shit but it was a fun way to learn how to use Final Cut and learn to edit things for my youtube soon

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Neat, good job OP


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um, based?

Neat user. I wasn't going to watch this crap but I will take a look at your cut.

Nice. Never watched the show but saved this to my cloud drive.


>watching disney goyslop
>spending time editing disney goyslop

Fuck thanks user I will enjoy a good beer while watching your edit. Godspeed

Nice job, but after watching the first couple minutes I realized how disinterested I am with star wars now

Someone else posted their edit earlier today, it was only 40 minutes long. I think I'll also try my hand at this, but I'm going to aim for 90 minutes.

OP, this now fits nicely into my head-canon. Thank you.

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Very based, thanks OP. How long did this take you? Is it 1080p or 2160p? HDR or DV?

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>I turned this used diaper into a plant pot
um good job I guess but a rather questionable use of your time

The pre-AOTC flashback is a bit too jarring to include at the beginning with all the cuts.


They will write articles about this if it gets enough attention.

Kill yourself capeshitter.


It was the only nu-wars thing that seemed interesting to me and after watching this it basically confirms star wars in film/tv is bad

Good luck user

After the third episode was when I thought about doing it since basically nothing happened. Took about maybe a day or two if you include rendering/encoding/upload time. 1080p.

I thought about cutting it out yeah but the only saving graces from the show overall in my opinion were Ewan and Hayden

Cutting out the black women? I see you you piece of shit. Enjoy the fucking lawsuits

I know this will sound reddit, but it would be cool to edit it further to match the editing style of the original Star Wars film. The swipe transistions and score and what-have-you...

>>Cut out like 70% of Reva
well done

It's not star wars, it's watching two 50-year-old, disinterested men pretend to be in there 20s and have a youtube fan-film tier lightsaber fight in front of a greenscreen because it's literally impossible for anyone working on star wars to write something original and execute in a way that doesn't look stupid

>Obi wan is never seen with a blaster or shoots someone with it
I'm conflicted about Obi-wan using a blaster.
On the one hand, it makes sense because he's in hiding and doesn't want anyone to know he's a jedi. They even make it a point that "jedi can't hide their nature of trying to help people" but Obi-wan repeatedly denies people his help (until he agrees to rescue Leia). Using a blaster rather than a lightsaber falls in life with this perfectly.
On the other hand, I'm almost certain that they only put this into the show because of that retarded "so uncivilized" line from the prequels. So it made me roll my eyes.

OP is a hero, we all should strife for.

next add the scene transitions they didn't add

Remember when that guy cut The Hobbit trilogy down to a few hours, pretty based.

>>Cut out like 70% of Reva
you had me there

I really did try to look up how to do the star wars wipe on Final Cut but the options were either a mask or paying up for plugins. I'm sure more talented anons can add it easily if they so choose to but wipes/transitions/score isn't going to salvage the story, though I tried my best using only footage from the show.

>literally impossible for anyone working on star wars to write something original and execute in a way that doesn't look stupid
Mandolorian is a good show. It's the only good Star Wars media besides the OT.
