The Boys

What did Seth Rogen mean by this?

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>Buck Breaking 2: Electric Boogaloo

It's an insult to all black people based racist jew

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“Lick it up you yummy brown bear.” There isn’t enough money on the planet to get me to agree to a scene like this. How the fuck is Laz Alonso supposed to ever look his family in the eye after this?

It's Hohohollywood he's done it irl too and not with bread dough

he's an actor, he probably liked getting cummed at.

An absence of dignity is probably a prerequisite for most actors.

the fuck is going on here?

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and you niggas wonder why you have no friends

>his family
Which one?

>you can show dicks on a TV show but not vaginas
lmao @ at the state of americucks

How come people hate the kimiko frenchie stuff? its like 1/7th of an episode

It's okay. There's nothing that I really don't like, it's like the writers are from Any Forums or something.

>Seth Rogen

Welp looks like I'll never be watching this show

Is that what I think it is?

This is show is so weird. They are trying to be woke, but every black person is being shown as incompetent and being made fun of.

Man the cult in the second season really was just wasted potential.

Checked, and then? Well, I KEK'D

It's supremely idiotic for them to be like ... hassling with some street-level russian mobsters when they have unlimited funding, backing of secret government organizations and now even superpowers at their disposal.

Why not just wipe out these russian mobsters in like 5 seconds and get back to their main plan/life.

This scene was such a waste, I know MM is supposed to be a stoic character but being literally covered in cum deserved him losing his cool completely, having the actor hamming it up, coughing and puking while cursing his way to the bathroom.

Why do you think that is, user?

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You realize this a comedy right? That line is supposed to be cringey and its obviously supposed to be disgusting.

I'm gay and this made me gag fiercely

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this is even funnier if you imagine Tariq's face on MM's body